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​My Timetable for IELTS • During my 3-month IELTS course, I s | G'anisher Otaboyev | Blog

My Timetable for IELTS

• During my 3-month IELTS course, I studied extremely hard. Whenever I talk about my timetable, people think that I'm exaggerating. Whether you believe it or not, it's up to you:)

• My day (still) usually starts at 4:00am which makes me super productive. It was so difficult for me to get used to it at first, but after some time, it became my habit.

• Right after waking up (+praying), I usually meditated, did breathing exercises and a little bit of yoga. Mostly, I was preparing myself mentally and spiritually, because finding my inner peace was more important to me.

Here's my usual timetable of that period:

5:00 - 7:00 - reading a book
7:00 -9:00 - active listening
9:00 - 10:00 - shadowing
10:00 - 12:00 - listening + reading practice
Lunch time (1 hour)

14:00 - 17:00 - writing + analizing
17:00 - 19:00 - speaking
• till 22:00 - dinner + Vocabulary

• As you can see, I used to practice around 17-18 hours a day. (my personal record was 20 hours of studying)

I'm sure that each of you has a timetable like that. Send it to the comments section (if possible).

