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Dave Jose and Josh Barnett's How to prove to all Legislatures | Pennsylvania MAGA (Former Audit Watch)

Dave Jose and Josh Barnett's
How to prove to all Legislatures members that you can Subpoena and Issue Warrants

Masons Manual of Legislative Procedure.pdf

Senatorial Oath of Office:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Page 48 Sec. 30 - 32. - Adopted Parliamentary Authority
- Mason's manual is used when constitution is unclear:
- Where the Legislature obtains their authority when not clarified by the constitution, such as warrants.

Page 575 Sec. - 798 Method of Investigation by Legislative Body
- The Legislative arm of Government is not to be restricted in the exercise of the power of inquiry
- The power to issue a warrant does not have to be granted by the people
-The Judicial branch is forbidden to trespass on the authority of the Legislative branch in its capacity of inquiry
- The Legislative branch in its exercise of inquiry cannot be construed to be interference of the Judicial Branch
- Throughout history the Legislative branch has used its inquisition authority which resembles the authority of the Judicial branch
- The Legislative branch's ability to issue a warrant as a part of its inquiry is not to be construed as interference of Judicial procedure
- The Legislature has the constitutional power to institute an investigation by its own discretion.

Page 577 Sec. 799 - Legislative Investigating Committees
- The Legislature in its investigations of public matters have the ability to compel witnesses and punish for disobedience has been frequently enforced
- The Legislature may proceed to make any investigations within its authority by authorized committees of one or both houses. either jointly or alone.
- It is common procedure for committees of local legislative bodies to make investigations, take evidence, and report back to the body
- Legislative committees have the power to issue a warrant since it is not expressly prohibited by the constitution

Page 34 Sec. 6 - Constitutional Rules Governing Procedure
- Each Legislative house may expel members for violating the state constitution

Page 35 Sec. 7 - Constitutional Requirements Concerning Procedure Must be Complied With
- Constitutional provisions supersede state statues

Page 36 Sec. 11 - Failure to Conform to Statutory Rules Invalidates Acts
When the state certifies an election and discovers there was fraud, this rule instructs that the certification is invalidated
- The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is a subdivision of the Legislative body and must comply to Legislative directions.

Page 579 Sec. 800 - Witnesses in Legislative Investigations
- The Legislature has the power to compel witnesses to testify
- If the witnesses refuse to testify without legal cause, they can be charged with contempt
- Witnesses do not have to be sworn in to be found in contempt for false testimony


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