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After the announcement that the average energy price cap is se | Patriotic Alternative Scotland

After the announcement that the average energy price cap is set to rise to £3,549, a massive 80% rise, many people are understandably terrified about their finances and how they are going to weather the storm that could see a further rise to over £6,000 next year.

But there is one group in society who will not be worried about how they are going to pay for these horrendous increases: MPs.

MPs are predicted to be shielded from the worst of these rises, as there is no limit to what they can claim on expenses.

Some politicians have been refunded amounts far higher than the current or forecasted energy price cap on average energy bills.

Former Health Secretary Matt Hancock expensed £2,751 on oil deliveries last year, when the cap for the estimated annual household energy bill was below £1,200.

It's time for people to take a stand against the current political system that is not serving the needs of the people of our nation but only a small political and financial elite. Time for change.