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SUPREME COURT Firstly, once again, a massive thank you for | Perth Health Freedom Info


Firstly, once again, a massive thank you for the overwhelming support the case continues to generate.

HOWEVER, it must be addressed that despite being previously warned by Justice Allanson on the first hearing, some in the gallery continue to react out aloud to propositions being submitted to the court. Justice Allanson once again issued a stern warning that he will close the court to the public. The jeering in the gallery does not reflect well on the Falconer team and the wider support group. Having the court closed to the public would significantly impact those involved and is simply not what we want.

Therefore, going forward, please understand that unsavoury propositions that do not align with your beliefs may/will likely be submitted in court, if you feel as though you are unable to withhold some form of emotional outburst or jeer, then please do NOT enter the public gallery. Additionally, there were numerous phones going off (vibrating) and one in particular rang very loudly and interrupted the Falconer barrister who lost his train of thought as a result.

As for an update on today's proceedings, there was the anticipated argument between the State not wanting to release documentation surrounding the CHO's decision making and other relevant documentation. While the Falconer team argued why the documentation should and must be disclosed. Justice Allanson reserved his judgement on the matter and advised he would release his judgement via writing to the involved parties next week. We will provide an update on here once that occurs.

Applications for 7 other industries to join in on the Judicial Reviews are being finalised as we speak and are likely to be lodged either tomorrow or at some stage next week. #unity

FUNDING: Although the money raised on GFM may initially appear to be significant, it is still a long way off where we need to be. The United Services / Industries United continue to reach out to high profile people, as well as other fundraising initiatives, however, despite this, we still find ourselves well short of where we need to be. So please, if you can, consider donating. If 3000 people donated $100 we would hit our target...

Make a one-off bank transfer or set up a smaller regular contribution
Name: United Services WA
BSB 633 000
Acc 188 406 060
Use your industry as a reference
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