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424)' What piece of work is a man How noble in reason, how inf | PG TRB ENGLISH

424)" What piece of work is a man
How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty,
In form and moving how express and admirable
In action! how like an angle
In apprehension! how like a God:
The beauty of the World, the paragon of animals_____
And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?
Above lines are taken from Hamlet's which act?
a) act 1 scene two
b) act 2 scene two
c) act 3 scene two
d) act 4 scene two

425) Which of the following is Hamlet's mother?
a) Beatrice
b) Margaret
c) Gertrude
d) Rosalind

426) Following are the characters of:
Apemantus, Alcibiades, Flavius, Lucullus, Sempronius
a) Coriolanus
b) Cymbeline
c) Timon of Athens
d) Winter's tale

427) Who is the heroin of The Tempest?
a) Ophelia
b) Desdemona
c) Miranda
d) Helena

428) Hamlet consist of --------------- acts:
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

429) Which of Shakespeare's play is his only play that has never been adopted for film or Television?
a) Taming of the Shrew
b) The two Noble Kinsmen
c) Troilus and Cressida
d) Cymbeline

430) Which of Shakespeare's play features Sir John Falstaff?
a) The merry wives of Windsor
b) Troilus and Cressida
c) King John
d) Titus Andronicus

Historical Events & Literary Events

1700 Begin Of London Club
1702 First daily newspaper
1727 Death of Newton
1775 War of American independence begins.
1776 America declared independent.
1789 Outbreak of French Revolution.
1726 Gulliver’s Travells by Jonathan Swift.
1749 Tom Jones by Henry Fielding
1766 The Vicar of wakefield by Goldsmith
1719 Rabinson crusoe by Defoe.
1728 Beggar’s opera by Gay.
1712 The Rape of The Lock by Pope.
1740 Pamela by Richardson.

Maneesh Rastogi




English Rulers

1702-1714 Anne
1714-27 George
I1727-1760 George II


1667-1745 Jonathan Swift
1668-1744 Alexander Pope
1689-1761 Samuel Richardson
1707-1754 Henry Fielding
1728-1774 Oliver Goldsmith
1672-1719 Joseph Addison
1716-1771 Thomas Gray
1721-59 Collins
1700-48 Thomson
1731-1800 Cowper
1709-84 Dr. Johnson

Major Historical and Literary Events

1668. Dryden Made poet Laureate
1668. Dryden's "Essay of Dramatic Poesy."
1671 Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes by Milton.
1670. Dryden's"Conquest ofGranada."
1671. The " Rehearsal."
1672. Wycherley's" Love in aWood."
1675. Wycherley's"Country Wife."
1677. Dryden's "All for Love."
1677. Wycherley's "Plain Dealer."
1678. The Pilgrim’s Progress by Bunyan.
1678. All for Love by Dryden.
1678. Third part of " Hudibras."
1680. Gilbert Burnet's " Account ofthe Life and Death of the Earl of Rochester."
1681. Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel."
1682. Dryden's "The Medal,""Mac Flecknoe," and" Religio Laici."
1686. Dryden joined the Church of Rome.
1686. Dryden's poem "To the Memory of Miss Anne Killegrew."
1687. Dryden's" Hind and Panther."
1687. Sir Isaac Newton's " Principia."
1688. James II flees
1688. Glorious Revolution
1689. Thomas Shadwell, made poet Laureate.
1689. Dryden's" Don Sebastian."

1689. Burnet appointed Bishop of Salisbury.
1691. Tillotson appointed Archbishopof Canterbury.
1692. Locke made Secretary ofProsecutions.
1693. Congreve's" Old Bachelor."
1694. Dryden's" Love Triumphant."
1694. Congreve's" Double Dealer."
1695. Congreve's" Love for Love."
1697. Dryden's translation of " Virgil-"
1697. Congreve's "Mourning Bride."
1698. Jeremy Collier's " Short View."
1699. Dryden's" Fables."
1700. Congreve's "Way of the World."
1706. Farquhar's"Recruiting Officer."
1707. Farquhar's "Beaux Stratagem."
1759. Butler's " Genuine Prose Remains" published.
1775. Sheridan's " The Rivals," " St. Patrick's Day,: and" The Duenna."
1777. Sheridan's " School for Scandal."
1779. Sheridan's "The Critic."
1780. Sheridan became a Member of Parliament.

English Rulers

1660-1685 Charles II
1685-1688 James II
1688-1702 William & Mary

Major Authors

1631-1700 John Dryden
1628-88 John Bunyan
1664-1721 Matthew Prior
1633-1703 Samuel Pepys
1664-1726 Sir John Vanbragh

Age of Milton
Major Historical and Literary events