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538. Everyday before the Fall Adam and Eve went out to work. W | PG TRB ENGLISH

538. Everyday before the Fall Adam and Eve went out to work. What did their work consist of?
a)Hunting and gathering food
b)Tending to the Garden of Eden
c)Building shelter to live in
d)Naming all God's creatures and plants

539. The reason for Satan's fall might best be described as:

Maneesh Rastogi





540. The reason for Eve's fall might best be described as:

541. On the second day of battle in heaven, what does Satan use that surprises God's forces?
d)The Holy Sepulcher

542. Adam, Satan, and Eve herself are all dazzled by Eve's:
d)Hard work and spirituality

543. The main reason for Adam's fall might best be described as:
b)love for Eve

544. When God sees that Adam and Eve have disobeyed him, who does he send to "judge" them and the snake?
a)The Son
b)The Holy Ghost

545. Inspired by Satan's victory over man, Sin and Death construct:

a)a bridge from hell to heaven
b)a temple to welcome Satan back
c)a bridge from hell to earth
d)a funnel from Eden to the gates of hell

546. After they have both eaten from the Tree of Knowledge, the first thing Adam and Eve do is:
a)Ask forgiveness from God
b)Put some clothes on
c)Satisfy their sexual desire for each other
d)Blame each other for their Fall

547. The Archangel Michael might best be described as:
a)Jealous and envious
c)Firm and militant
d)Kind and caring

548. When Michael tells Adam what will become of mankind after the Fall, he is actually narrating stories taken directly from:
a)The New Testament
b)Homer's epic poems
c)The Hebrew Bible
d)The Koran

549. What are the best words to describe the Garden of Eden, the weather, and nature in general, before the Fall of Adam and Eve?
a)Ordered and rational
c)Wild and unmanageable

550. Which angel does Satan trick by disguising himself as a cherub?
(A) Michael
(B) Uriel
(C) Raphael
(D) Abdiel

551. In what book does the fall take place?
(A) Book VIII
(B) Book X
(C) Book IX
(D) Book VII

552. In which book of the Bible does the story of Adam and Eve occur?
(A) Leviticus
(B) Exodus
(C) Genesis
(D) Deuteronomy

553. Which devil advocates a renewal of all-out war against God?
(A) Belial
(B) Moloch
(C) Mammon
(D) Beelzebub

554. What is Milton’s stated purpose in Paradise Lost?
(A) To assert his superiority to other poets
(B) To argue against the doctrine of predestination
(C) To justify the ways of God to men
(D) To make his story hard to understand

555. Which of the following is not a character in Paradise Lost?
(A) Night
(B) Agony
(C) Discord
(D) Death

556. Which angel wields a large sword in the battle and wounds Satan?
(A) Michael
(B) Abdiel
(C) Uriel
(D) Satan is not injured

557. When Satan leaps over the fence into Paradise, what does Milton liken him to?
(A) A snake slithering up a tree
(B) A germ infecting a body
(C) A wolf leaping into a sheep’s pen
(D) A fish leaping out of water

558. Which angel tells Adam about the future in Books XI and XII?
(A) Raphael
(B) Uriel
(C) Michael
(D) None of the above

559. Which of the following is not found in Hell?
(A) Gems
(B) Gold
(C) Oil
(D) Minerals

560. Which statement about the Earth is asserted as true in Paradise Lost?

(A) It was created before God the Son
(B) Earth hangs from Heaven by a chain
(C) The Earth is a lotus flower
(D) The Earth revolves around the sun

561. Which devil is the main architect of Pandemonium?
(A) Mulciber
(B) Mammon
(C) Moloch
(D) Belial

562. How many times does Milton invoke a muse?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

563. Which of the following poets does Milton emulate?
(A) Virgil
(B) Homer
(C) Both Virgil and Homer
(D) Neither Virgil or Homer

564. What is the stated subject of Paradise Lost?

(A) The fight between good and evil
(B) Heaven’s battle and Satan’s tragic fall
(C) The creation of the universe
(D) Adam and Eve’s disobedience

565. Which devil is Satan’s second-in-command?