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600.The 'father of humanism' was a)Petrarch b)Dante c)Boccacci | PG TRB ENGLISH

600.The "father of humanism" was
d)Pico della Mirandola

601.Renaissance thinkers argued that women should be educated
a)just the same as men
b)with emphasis on science and mathematics
c)not at all
d)confined solely to music, dancing, and knitting

602.An important feature of the Renaissance was an emphasis on
a)alchemy and magic
b)the literature of Greece and Rome
c)chivalry of the Middle Ages
d)the teaching of St. Thomas Acquinas

603.Which was NOT a characteristic of the Renaissance?

a)emphasis on individuality
b)confidence in human rationality
c)the emergence of merchant oligarchies
d)the development of social insurance programs

604.The northern Renaissance differed from the Italian Renaissance
a)growth of religious activity among common people
b)earlier occurrence
c)greater appreciation of pagan writers
d)decline in the use of Latin

605.For ordinary women, the Renaissance
a)had very little impact
b)greatly improved the material conditions of their lives
c)worsened their social status
d)allowed them access to education for the first time

606.Thomas More's Utopia placed the blame for society's problems on
a)human nature
b)God's will
c)society itself
d)the Church

Random MCQs

607. In which century was Piers Plowman written?

608. Geoffrey Chaucer served which king?
a)Richard III
b)James 1
c)Edward III
d)Henry II

609. The 18th century work 'Tom Jones" was written by whom?
a)Samuel Johnson
b)Henry Fielding
c)John Donne
d)Tobias Smollett

610. In 1905, Virginia Woolf began to write for which publication?
a)The Time's Literary Supplement
b)The Lady's Home Journal
c)Strand Magazine
d)Reader Magazine

611. Joyce's novel 'Ulysses' takes place over what period of time?
a)A week
b)24 hours
c)A lifetime
d)6 months

612. What was the nationality of Oscar Wilde?

613. Who wrote the poem "Requiem"?
a)Robert Louis Stevenson
b)William Shakespeare
c)Samuel Johnson
d)John Milton

614. the prevailing feature of Chaucer's humour is its

615. who is the first great English critic-poet?
c)Sir Philip Sidney

616. HYMN TO ADVERSITY is a poem by
a)Thomas gray
b)Alexander Pope
c)Edward gibbon
d)William Blake

617. Who wrote the poem 'The Seven Ages'?
a)John Milton
b)Geoffrey Chaucer
c)William Shakespeare
d)Edward Gibbon

618. who write the story "Story Teller" ?
a)William Wordsworth
b)William Shakespeare
c)Thomas Grey

Restoration and The 18TH Century

619. What happened in 1707 that would forever alter the relationship between England, Wales, and Scotland?
a)the trial and execution of Mary, Queen of Scots
b)the Toleration Act
c)the failed invasion of the Spanish Armada
d)the Bishops' War
e)the Act of Union

620. Which of the following was a major factor in the unprecedented economic wealth of Great Britain during the eighteenth century?
a)formal diplomatic relations with China
b)the exploitation of colonial resources, labor, and the slave trade
c)the American and French revolutions
d)the creation of the bourgeois novel as a commodity
e)the union of England and Wales with Scotland

621. What was "restored" in 1660?
a)the monarchy, in the person of Charles II
b)the dominance of the Tory Party
c)the "Book of Common Prayer"
d)toleration of religious dissidents
e)Irish independence.

622. What literary work best captures a sense of the political turmoil, particularly regarding the issue of religion, just after the Restoration?
a)Gay's Beggar's Opera
b)Butler's Hudibras
c)Fielding's Jonathan Wild
d)Pope's Dunciad
e)Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel

623. Who was deposed from the English throne in the Glorious, or Bloodless, Revolution in 1688?

a)Elizabeth I
b)James II
c)George II
d)William and Mary

624. Who became the first "prime minister" of Great Britain in the reign of George II?

a)Henry St. John
b)Robert Harley
c)John Churchill
d)Robert Walpole
e)Matthew Prior