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'Watch the Water' — Is COVID/Remdesivir/Spike Protein/COVID Va | Politi-Psych Channel

"Watch the Water" — Is COVID/Remdesivir/Spike Protein/COVID Vaccine actually Snake Venom?


In the following posts I will explain why Dr. Bryan Ardis D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic) is factually wrong, how he shows characteristics of schizophrenic thinking, and why I think schizophrenic content such as this repeatedly disrupts dissident circles.

Firstly, Ardis repeatedly calls this snake venom a bioweapon, when what he describes fits the definition of a chemical weapon much more closely. The point of a bioweapon is that one only has to hit a target population once and the weapon's property of contagion creates the exponential damage potential. What he claims is snake venom poisoning in the water supply would be closer to a chemical weapon, as snake venom doesn't replicate and spread between hosts, and the damage potential is linear with the amount of substance (and the amount of substance that would be needed to be produced to poison a water supply, let alone the water supplies of the world, at a harmful dilution would be unfeasibly enormous and would also be easy to test for). This alone communicates a degree of delusional ignorance and detachment from reality that should call into question everything said after this.

Secondly, research into Remdesivir against COVID has shown it to be ineffective and in some contexts harmful, but it is a regulated chemical manufactured in many different places across the world, it is not, as Ardis claims, relabelled snake venom used to kill healthy people. This is ridiculous on its face, and he acknowledges that, and argues that because it is outlandish it is true, because other outlandish things have turned out to be true - a paranoid fallacy.

Finally, he mentions similarities between the spike protein sequence and peptides found in snake venom, and mentions enzymes similar to snake venom (sPLA2-IIA), this enzyme is found elevated in patients with severe COVID, and this he says is evidence of snake venom poisoning. Secretory phospholipase A2 group IIA (sPLA2-IIA), is produced endogenously in humans in response to many traumas, he is either ignorant of this having merely made a fallacious loose association, or intentionally omits this information.

The argumentation doesn't really use any evidence, it uses misinterpretations and overcategorizations of phenomena, loose associations between unrelated information, and jumps to conclusions using paranoid fallacies (eg. "X was fact checked therefor X is true."), this quintessentially schizophrenic reasoning is costumed in technical jargon that obviously goes over the host's head.

Overall I think this is an embarrassing distraction that undermines and contaminates the good work of many other dissenting voices in the space, and Ardis's attempts to leverage his story by the repeated name dropping of prominent medical doctors speaking out against what has happened during the pandemic does nothing other than discredit them by proxy. He is not "just asking questions" he has not "been sent by God", he is spreading fragile and delusional lies that do real harm to the people that believe them and everyone fighting against what has been done to us.