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If this leaked COVID plan is true (and everything has happened | Privacy & Security Goys

If this leaked COVID plan is true (and everything has happened so far), Canadians should expect to see a collapse in the supply chain and martial law enforced inside and outside of all major cities this summer.

A fan of our channel has informed us that they already have police on the highways north of Toronto, stopping travelers and verifying that they have a legitimate reason to head in that direction (work or residence).

Although the Leafs are notorious for being particularly compliant with their ruling class, this should be a wake up call for everyone in the West. Expect similar government responses where you live.

Assuming these objectives continue to be achieved in a timely manner, you don't have much time left to prepare. Stock up on anything you need to survive: self-defense weapons, food, water treatment, tools, spare parts, etc. Get out of the cities. Use whatever means are at your disposal to convert your fiat dollars to land, supplies, and tangible assets. Trudeau went even crazier with his money printers than the Federal Reserve did. Even if this nefarious plan doesn't pan out, hyperinflation is going to obliterate the Canadian dollar.

No matter where you live, plan for a period of great civil unrest which could last a year or longer. Millions of jobs evaporated this past year and aren't coming back. Millions of families face eviction in a month and a half. The economy is likely going to implode on a scale unlike ever before. Morale is extremely low for most people, who have all their hopes riding on vaccines that won't work. I also imagine the trial of Derek Chauvin – the cop who more than half the country believes murdered aspiring scientist George Floyd – this spring won't exactly create a time of racial harmony either.

Last year's BLM riots will be peaceful in comparison to what is awaiting North America this summer, which will have repercussions worldwide.

The fire rises. Hail victory.
