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In The Turner Diaries, Pierce wrote about two types of agents: | Privacy & Security Goys

In The Turner Diaries, Pierce wrote about two types of agents: Legals and Illegals.

The Legals were members of The Organization who could pass as regular members of society. They had jobs, ran businesses, and otherwise blended seamlessly in with all the other System Retards, because they didn't display too much Wrongthink.

Illegals, on the other hand, were people who were known to the System for engaging on Wrongthink, or possibly even HateThink! They could never again join the System, have a job, have an apartment, own land, none of that, and relied solely on the efforts of the Legals to move invisibly, striking the System relentlessly.

Understand that you currently exist as a Legal. The moment you need to shoot some Nigger for Muhdickin and it's Sheboon pulls out its Tracfone to record you pumping Speer Gold Dots into her Baby Daddy while screaming "Oh Mah Gahht" you become an Illegal.

Don't turn yourself in, don't wait for the cops, don't call 911 and make a statement.


You're now an Illegal with no name and no life. Use that opportunity and make the best of it.