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Critical Race Theory: More Satanic Policy in Drag Shell Petro | IWV ~ Global

Critical Race Theory: More Satanic Policy in Drag

Shell Petroleum, one of our world's largest corporations and a core member of the Big Oil cartel, is strongly pushing "Critical Race Theory." CRT fabricates a "whites" uber-race from amid our world's diverse and polyglot genetic pools, labels that the source of all racial injustice - past and present - then seeks to institutionalize systematically unjust and abusive treatment toward same.

Per classic satanic inversion methods, the preceding is presented as being aimed at "equity," "diversity" and "inclusion" goals. IE: anything but allowing humanity to finally see itself as one, the true axis of division being between the good-hearted "men and women of the living soil" and our world's closet satanists, sociopaths, liars and control freaks.

That the Dutch royal family are Shell's major share-holders and of "generational satanic" persuasion - engaging in "child hunting parties" with chums from the British royal family and Vatican, for example - is not incidental. Ditto that the Zionist ADL is the main promoter of CRT in the US, with evidence it's led by a satanic network, one that has exempted from its CRT gun sights the world's worst long-running case of racial injustice, namely the Palestinian occupation.

You will also find no mention in CRT articles that George Floyd worked for a CIA-affiliated club (involved in narcotics and human trafficking), threatened to become a whistle-blower then was killed by an MK-Ultra asset from the same operation. All too trivial to include. Definitely, it's time for decent people to rise up and put an end to the madness -
