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The vaccines are currently only approved for emergency use and | Public Advocate of the U.S -- Eugene Delgaudio, President

The vaccines are currently only approved for emergency use and are not mandatory for Department of Defense personnel and beneficiaries at this time.

Even when past vaccinations were mandatory, a service member would not have been subject to a dishonorable discharge merely for refusing to accept vaccination. This is because a dishonorable discharge is only available as a punishment upon conviction of a serious felony under the Uniform Code of Military Justice by a general court martial. Further, it is considered the equivalent of 2 years confinement and cannot be imposed administratively or at the whim of one's commanding officer.

Informed Consent. The EUA law specifically states that before providing any EUA products, like the COVID injections, those providing it must “ensure that individuals . . . [must be] informed . . . of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product.”

Harassment. Are you being harassed or threatened to get this experimental vaccine? What can you do? You can file an Article 138 claim against your command for harassment. Remember though, they are following orders from the top. Information is your best weapon. Tell everyone you know how dangerous the vaccine is. With viral exposure survivability rate of 99.98% across all age groups in the military, you must ask yourself, your command and others why do we need this experimental gene therapy injection. If you are young and healthy, why would you need the vaccine? If you have had COVID, why would you need the vaccine? Finally, ask them this: if they got the vaccine and are therefore protected, why would they care what you do? They probably do not have answers. If you get the vaccine does that mean you will not get COVID? Nope! Does it mean you cannot spread it? Ask: why do those who have not had the vaccine have to be quarantined? Why do they have to wear a mask? Why?

It is your body—get the facts and be informed. You protect the rights and freedoms of others. Know your rights.