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ARITHMETIC A man invested Rs 16000 at 30% S.l for 6 year | Data Interpertation & airthmatic


A man invested Rs 16000 at 30% S.l for 6 year in scheme B. After 6 years total amount received from A is invested in scheme B for 2 years at 10 % C.I find amount received from scheme B.

Time taken by a boat to travel D distance downstream is 5/14 of the time taken to travel 2D distance upstream. The speed of current to be constant in both cases. find the speed of boat was how many times the speed of current.

Length of rectangle is 3 cm more than breath and breath Is 6 cm more than radius of circle whose area is 154 cm². find Perimeter of rectangle.

In a school out of total number of students (Girls + Boys), 40% are boys. 1/4th of students participate in project. Remaining 1080 girls not participated in project. Find total number of Boys.

Ratio between length of trains A and B is 3: 5. Speed of train A is 72 km/h and that of train B is 54 km/h & they are running opposite to each other. If train A crosses train B in 16 seconds, then find length of train B.

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