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I don't care what anybody says, We (Diagolon) got into the act | The Eternal Lolcow

I don't care what anybody says, We (Diagolon) got into the actual heads of the people that manage and run our country. You guys and girls are all legends, and have a claim to a part of history - of the biggest SELF OWN in the history of the Government of Canada. Nomatter what happens, they can never take that away from you.

We made them look more ridiculous than anyone in the history of sedition and subversion

This is the ultimate troll

Senior Govt officials in the RCMP and CSIS are scrambling to cover their asses to protect careers, and deflect from criticism over what happened with the existential threat of "Diagolon"

We weren't even trying, and memed the state into a paralyzing emergency

You laughed when I said I would troll you to death

I'm one man with a $1300 laptop, you're the Canadian security state

Are you still laughing?