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The Eternal Lolcow

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Logo of telegram channel ragingdissident — The Eternal Lolcow
Channel address: @ragingdissident
Categories: Politics
Language: English
Subscribers: 73
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Total Anon Victory!

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2022-04-28 18:50:12

Found a couple more good cops. The filth purity % of the RCMP increases.

"Arrest these people!"

"Okay, but why?"


3.6K viewsJeremy MacKenzie, edited  15:50
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2022-04-28 11:58:07 Here's my thread about Anti-Hate on twitter w/ added references. Give it some Love!
1.7K viewsJeremy MacKenzie, 08:58
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2022-04-28 06:44:10
Frens 2 tha end
2.2K viewsJeremy MacKenzie, 03:44
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2022-04-28 06:12:44
2.3K viewsJeremy MacKenzie, 03:12
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2022-04-28 06:10:40
Tough guys play games, win tough prizes!

Tick tock
2.3K viewsJeremy MacKenzie, 03:10
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2022-04-28 02:41:02
@RagingDissident spitting facts as usual
787 viewsJeremy MacKenzie, 23:41
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2022-04-28 02:19:36 The Executive Director of has just described the group as "proudly anti-fascist" and only focusing on Right Wingers.

In other words: The Trudeau government is funding an organization that calls themselves "experts on hate Groups in Canada" while admitting they explicitly ignore any and all Hatred and Violence that is motivated by Leftist ideology. How convenient.

This is why Antihate ignored nearly 50 different churches burning down across Canada this past year.

This is why Antihate ignored David Zegarac intentionally hitting 4 Freedom Convoy Protestors with his car (hospitalizing one) in Winnipeg

This is why Antihate ignored leaked group chat messages of RCMP officers in Ottawa describing a video of a Freedom Convoy protestor being crushed by a Police Horse "awesome" (the woman who got crushed was hospitalized)

This is why Antihate ignored tires being slashed, property being destroyed, and Truckers & protestors being beaten by police during the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa (multiple people hospitalized, $1000s in damages)

This is why Antihate ignored the continued dehumanization and fomentation of hatred toward Freedom Convoy protestors by Canadian News media and sitting politicians.

This is why Antihate ignored the fact that the 21 day long Freedom Convoy in Ottawa was entirely peaceful aside from Police violence.

This is why Antihate ignored the Rail Blockades that disrupted our supply chains in 2020 and continues to completely ignore any blockades perpetrated by Climate Activists or Antifa.

This is why Antihate ignores any all hatred and violence perpetrated by the terrorist organization Antifa including the destruction of statues and monuments.

This is why Antihate ignores any all hatred and violence that comes from Islamic Extremists ie. the Danforth Shooting

This is why Antihate ignores any and all hatred and violence perpetrated by radical trans or BLM activists

This is why Antihate ignores any all hatred and violence perpetrated against white Christian conservatives who are part of the working class.

This all begs the question... if you intentionally ignore hatred and violence that is being perpetrated against a certain group on a regular basis, are you not in some way endorsing and allowing that hatred and violence to continue?

How can you call yourself "Anti hate" or an expert on Hate if you explicitly ignore obvious patterns of hate and violence being perpetrated in the country?

Furthermore, of the individuals and groups that Antihate routinely targets in their smear pieces (Jeremy Mackenzie and Diagolon) how often have these individuals actually sent anyone to the hospital or even caused any violence whatsoever??

It's very obvious what The Canadian Antihate Network is about.

They promote hatred and implicitly endorse violence and the dehumanization of groups and individuals that they deem to be their political opponents.

They look through hundreds of hours of video, images and comments to take a few things out of context in an attempt to smear someone's character and reputation. In some sense they are a literal extension of the Liberal Party War Room.

The only difference is that they assert themselves as an expert authority on "hate Groups" when they are in fact a hate group themselves. One funded by the Trudeau Liberal Government to the tune of a quarter million tax payer dollars.

In summary Justin Trudeau's Hate Group has 2 functions:
1) target and attempt to ruin the reputation of Canadian Right Wingers who criticize Trudeau and his political ideology effectively
2) Run cover for the widespread hatred, violence, and societal decay that the Trudeau regime passive aggressively endorses

Big shout out to Evan Balgord for telling the truth yesterday.

Admitting they have an explicit political bias and sympathies for an actually violent and radical terrorist group like Antifa is going to take a huge blow to their credibility in the eyes of the public. With any luck that statement will end up being the final nail in their coffin.
714 viewsJeremy MacKenzie, 23:19
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2022-04-28 00:46:26
Heading to La Belle Province to visit old Fren
1.6K viewsJeremy MacKenzie, 21:46
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2022-04-28 00:07:10 Special thanks and extra \\\ to Derek, Alex, Rocky, Merc, Pat, Nicky, old man Thompson, BigM, Quickdub, BGB, "the italians", sheriff Gary, Edgy, Slippy, Rokko, CFirst crew, Frank, Thor, Biggette and Jarod,Cindy, ECC, Leigh, Vladimir Putin, Brad, Whitey, Joey L, the Hilliers, Muslim Bigot, CRJ and Cam (but not for the vomit), Flat Kenny, Lady MacBeth, Sam, Jenn, Greg Arcade + Wycliffe and the council of Gregs, Blonde Lib, Odin, GDR, Ms Pontoon, Annie, Victor, Buly, TVOR, Trent, Reich, The Padre and Harris, the dirty (Good) coppers, Save Canada, Kristen, Monique, Kyle C, Peter, the blademaster, road, Yessica, Phantom of the whorehouse, all the Vets and VFF, the Toppinator, Steve L, WAY TOO STRONG, John Boultons Mustache, Ry Dawson, Mark F, Ed, Neeka, Night Watchman, Syrinx and Taco, Jordan and wife K, Height, Slutty, hammerhawk, The Legend of Pasta, my legal team, Tinterian, Mr Magoo, Henrik and Lana, Billy Bob the Bigot Brick and Bigot brick back better fam, my family and my love Morgan for helping me make this what it is.

To all of you that have donated to keep the circus rolling the past several years, you are much appreciated and I cant thank you enough

I won't thank Phillip, he's fucking me over if anything. Apologies for those I missed, I'm on the road on another aforementioned mission

"Find something you love doing and you'll never work a day in your life"

See you on the beach!

Death to Circulon

2.4K viewsJeremy MacKenzie, edited  21:07
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2022-04-28 00:07:00
Audio version of the RageCast has reached over 150k downloads!

Thanks very much for the continued support and community participation!

This is all with zero sponsorship or help from anyone but grassroots, ordinary people in the community.

In the face of aggressive deplatforming, censorship, suppression and media smear campaigns - Diagolon continues to crush circs with dumpsters, solve bigoted mysteries and appease Phillip, our one true and malevolent religious figure(ine)

More to come! Many secret missions being worked on as we continue to butthurt the state so badly that they expend significant CSIS and RCMP resources being at war with my imagination
1.8K viewsJeremy MacKenzie, 21:07
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