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Sedania Innovator Bhd (0178) is in the news and have seen acti | Rakuten Trade Ideas 🎯

Sedania Innovator Bhd (0178) is in the news and have seen active trading in recent months hitting limit up! What is driving the share price rally to high of RM1.77 and now trading at RM0.865.

It has recently reported all time high profit since its listing in 2015!

Emergence of new major shareholder Jakel Group MD Datuk Seri Mohamad Faroz with over 12% stake.

Offspring Inc a 51% stake premium organic and eco friendly baby products making inroads in Spain, Finland, Cambodia, South Korea and Thailand.

It has business in Esports, GreenTech, Islamic FinTech too.

Let's find out more as we bring you up close with the founder/Managing Director Datuk Azrin Mohd Noor Executive Director Datuk Syafiroz and Group CEO Daniel Ruppert only on Rakuten Trade Ideas Webinar on FB live next Monday 8pm. Stay tuned!

Sedania Innovator Bhd (0178) 出现在新闻中,近几个月交易活跃,涨停!究竟是什么原因推动股价反弹至 RM1.77 的高位,目前交易价格为 RM0.865。


新大股东 Jakel Group MD Datuk Seri Mohamad Faroz 的出现,拥有超过 12% 的股份。

Offspring Inc 持有 51% 的股权,高级有机和环保婴儿产品进军西班牙、芬兰、柬埔寨、韩国和泰国。


下周一晚8 点,我们将在Rakuten Trade Ideas 的脸书上举办网络研讨会直播,加入我们与创始人兼常务董事 Datuk Azrin Mohd Noor ,执行董事 Datuk Syafiroz 和集团首席执行官 Daniel Ruppert一起了解更多信息。敬请关注!