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The President of Poland said that Crimea is unlikely to return | Readovka World

The President of Poland said that Crimea is unlikely to return to Ukraine and reminded the world community of its historical affiliation with Russia

Polish leader Duda, who always stood up for the Ukrainian “little brother,” pressed the gas pedal and abruptly changed the vector of his outpourings: he said that Ukraine was not able to regain Russian Crimea, Reuters quoted him as saying. According to him, the peninsula has historically always belonged to Russia.

Duda no longer believes in Ukrainian Crimea, which means the degree of tension between him and Zelensky will undoubtedly increase. Despite the fact that the president has already been condemned by local legislators from the ruling coalition for such hatred, you cannot erase the words from the song. It is useless even for Western politicians to argue with the fact that Crimea is Russian.