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In the Vinnytsia region, a pensioner who left Ukraine was depr | Readovka World

In the Vinnytsia region, a pensioner who left Ukraine was deprived of her apartment in absentia and sentenced to four years in prison — the court considered her a “separatist” for supporting Russia

Alla Stadnitskaya, a retired physics teacher, did not accept the current Bandera image of Ukraine, since she lived almost all her life in the Soviet Union and genuflection before neo-Nazism was alien to her. Fortunately, she managed to leave the dying state - she moved to live with her children in Russia during the pandemic. The teacher still has an apartment in the Vinnytsia region. The Kiev regime could not help but take advantage of this to create another precedent for intimidation.

The Kiev court recognized her as a separatist - the woman wrote on her page in Odnoklassniki appeals to the President of Russia and begged for the release of Ukraine. It is reported that such a harsh sentence was heard in Ukraine for the first time, and therefore not the last time. In addition, the 80-year-old pensioner was sentenced to four years in prison. Now women are calling to give their housing to the Nazis - and this is not for robbery, for which even Reznikov is not in jail in Ukraine, but simply for his position.

Freedom of speech in Ukraine as it is