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Hamas proposes ceasefire and hostage exchange Hamas has prese | Readovka World

Hamas proposes ceasefire and hostage exchange

Hamas has presented mediators and the US with a proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza, including a hostage exchange, 100 of whom are life prisoners. Israeli women, children and the elderly would be released first in exchange for 1,000 Palestinian prisoners.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said Thursday that the new Gaza truce proposal remains based on "unrealistic demands." Egypt and Qatar have been trying to iron out differences between Israel and Hamas over what a ceasefire should look like as a deepening humanitarian crisis leaves a quarter of the population in the stricken Gaza Strip facing starvation.

Hamas blames the protracted talks on Netanyahu's refusal to meet its demands, which include a permanent ceasefire, an Israeli pullout from the Strip, the return of displaced people from the south of the enclave to the center and north, and an increase in unrestricted aid.