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Another tragic day for the people of the Donbass. Another Ukra | Eva Karene Bartlett, Reality Theories

Another tragic day for the people of the Donbass. Another Ukrainian war crime, slaughtering 9 civilians in Donetsk today, including one child, and injuring at least 16 more when Ukraine rained munitions down on residential areas of the city, once again. Another blackened shell of a bus, civilians inside grotesquely burned alive.

Another hospital bombed, to the silence of the very same Western corporate owned media who invented stories about Russia bombing hospitals in Mariupol and in Syria. Last June when Ukraine bombed a Donetsk maternity hospital, the same crocodile-tears media didn't give a shit, nor did they when terrorists in Syria destroyed & occupied hospitals in Aleppo, Dara'a and elsewhere.

Ukraine's shelling also hit the sculpture park I walked in some days ago. At the time, I thought: it's quiet now, lovely...but I know Ukraine's shelling has targeted here before & will again.

Likewise, along stretches of Artema street, including a hospital treating war-wounded.

After filming at the ghastly site of the burned-out bus, filming the damage to the hospital, I walked along Artema again, as I had several calm days ago, filming remnants of today's carnage.

That's how it goes here, how it has been here for nine years: one moment it is a relative calm and children, families, couples, elderly are strolling on sidewalks, walking or working in markets, praying at church...and the next minute, Ukrainian terrorism (that is the only appropriate word for this repeated targeting with precision weapons of civilian areas) strikes civilian areas, tear bodies apart, kills aspiring ballerinas, and litters horrific mines that mutilate limbs.

I won't apologize for being graphic. I'm not being graphic enough, in fact. Bottom line: the people here do not have a choice as to whether they will have their foot blown off by a Ukrainian-delivered Petal mine, or will have their bodies mangled by Ukrainian shelling of civilian areas.