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Guys, I want to say “thank you” for showing me just how many p | Seth spare

Guys, I want to say “thank you” for showing me just how many people are getting involved in educating your neighbors, pushing back against overreach and outright tyranny, and also investigating the fraudulent election.

I do not have a crystal ball and also err on the side of caution in making my assessments and predictions. But I do absolutely believe that good will win in our time. This is our fight, but it will be God at work as his people take action. Read Proverbs 21:31:

“The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But victory belongs to the LORD .”

So, we have to take action. No more sitting on the sidelines. No more wishing someone else would take the risks and the chances. This is why I say “if not you, who?” Proverbs 21:31 allows us to put down the heavy chains of worry, “what if Arizona doesn’t do this...”, “what if I get fired...”, “what if they turn my state blue...”

No amount of turning any jurisdiction blue will ever silence me. I was born free, will die free, and will live as a free person as long as I live. We do not owe even our family members courteous silence if they are tacitly backing agendas that are antithetical to the American experience. You don’t need to even be a political person to oppose lockdowns. They are anti-human. You don’t need to be conservative to oppose boys beating your little girl at a track meet.

That man in front of the tank in China lived under a dictatorship but chose to be a free man, and look at what that moment meant. Listen to the reaction of the crowd on the video of Reagan saying “tear down this wall.”

No job and no pension is worth keeping just because you’re afraid to speak up for that which is right. Many police in big cities are afraid to deal with crime because they’re afraid of losing pensions. Many military come to me wanting to know how to push back against the wokeism destroying our morale and fighting strength but decline to lead anything against it because they are only “2 years from retirement.” Pensions will mean nothing should America become California. They will be reallocated to pay for illegal aliens, reparations, bailouts for other programs, and “climate change.”

This is the last stand on earth and it is an amazing time to be alive.

Go get it today. Get plugged in, find out what you do better than almost everyone else you know, and ask God to direct your steps - that is the essence of Proverbs 3:5-6.