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A friend called me the other day and asked me a question. “Do | Rebecca Chaney

A friend called me the other day and asked me a question. “Do you think American Patriotism is an idol? Someone suggested to be a Patriot is to serve Satan.” But she’s not the only one who has asked me this. This is a popular topic among many all over the nation.

I want to kindly address it in case you’ve been asked this or thought it.

Reclaiming the land and the language doesn’t make us evil idolaters bound for hell. Not accepting Christ as Lord and Savior and rejecting his gift of Salvation does that for you alone. What it does mean is that we understand that in the beginning God saw “it was good.” Man perverted it. Evil wasn’t here first. God was. And it was good. My country is a gift. It is a gift from none other than God himself, and he used humanity to accomplish His will. Out of his great love for those made in His image and for His glory alone, He used humanity to set a precedence for Biblical governance. A people who believed so deeply in inalienable rights from God to humanity drove those same people to risk it all to establish what would later become the colonies, and what would later still become the United States of America. We were born for freedom in Christ. The testimonies born out of birthing a nation based on Biblical precepts is nothing short of God’s work and mercy and loving-kindness. But God’s goodness placed others in other times and areas just the same. He’s the master and knows best. I won’t squander the Blessing of what he’s entrusted me with.

The providence of God so tightly woven throughout history brings me to my knees
in gratitude and humility. Obedience to God alone. America has spread the gospel more than any other nation in the history of nations. And my goodness, the stories I’ve read to see how it all unfolded! The good, the bad, and the ugly! A pastor’s wife asked me not long ago if I wanted to just leave America because she had so many troubles. To which I responded, “where on earth would you go with lesser?” I won’t wish for something God has not ordained nor curse the gift he’s given me.

I am a Patriot. But I am a Patriot because I understand the Biblical precedent for Freedom, and I love Freedom. I don’t idolize my country because of self. I love my country because of God. I steward my country because of God. I treasure my country because of God. I could technically be an atheist fool and STILL recognize the goodness and treasure of America! Any good gift is worthy to be stewarded well.

Nefarious, occultic intent and practice simply cannot be assigned to Christians who desire to implement Biblical Precepts and preserve Founding intent. After all 34% scripture made up the founding documents. The most impressionable stories on my life that made the most Kingdom impact difference on my heart were not of those who even lived in my generation or lifetime. Outside of my Mother and my grandmothers, and a very select few (mostly elderly) ladies in my lifetime, the ladies who made the most impact on my Christian life were the testimonies of the Pilgrims and of some of the founding Mothers and wives. I suggest reading a book on their lives and testimony.

There is a difference between stewarding well and idolizing. We are commanded to steward the gifts and talents God has given us well. Do you not believe America is a gift? Because that would sum it all up, wouldn’t it?

You can have a love of country and not be a Satanic Occult follower. Fact. If you don’t love country and desire to steward it well, you don’t understand the Old Testament precept and Lesser magistrate doctrine. A true love of country and understanding of the stewarding of the talent of Freedom, leads you to sacred teachings such as personal responsibility,
Speaking for the vulnerable, understanding taxation, Capital punishment, the president being a natural born citizen, electing God fearing leaders, and the list goes on and on. It’s all very definitively laid out on how a Constitutional Republic should function straight from scripture. Clear as a bell.