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Hello dear IELTS taker,

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Date: 22.04.2021
Test Centre: IDP
Venue/City: EDU-ACTION
Examiner: Kevin
Candidate: Dildora
Exam type: Speaking

Part 1:
-Remembering names

Part 2:
Describe a situation that you gave an advice to someone
-who the person is
-what the advice you gave
-how that person felt

Part 3:
-Do you prefer advice from your family or friends
-What are the problems in asking advice
-What kind of advice is important?....."Is asking for being married normal?"(it is related to this question and my answer )
-What kind of advice do older people ask from young people?

P.S: (exam was via zoom and it was really great, bcz it helped me to control myself however I worried about the Internet connection or that kind of things at first but then I saw there were no any problems. Kevin was soo friendly and supportive he always smiled during the exam, exam was so interesting especially one of his own question in Part 3 but he asked two times "why"
All questions were from Speaking assistant so don't panic

I hope I'll get good score In Shaa Allah

P.S2: (the main exam will be on Saturday(24.04.2021)

Well done

Thanks for sharing!!!
