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2021-04-26 19:09:46 Hello dear IELTS taker,

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Date: main exam was on 17th of April
speaking exam was on 20th of April
Test Centre:IDP
Venue/City: Tashkent
Examiner: Oygul ( she is from Kazakhstan)
Candidate: #Hazel
Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening

Part 1:

Part 2:
Describe a person who likes helping other people

Part 3:
Related to Part 2

P.S: (Oygul was supportive and smiled a lot of times. but I forgot to use body language in part 1. Because, I was on nervous situation . After, I used it a lot of times during other parts. She said "Why" once. I think my speaking was very nice. )

P.S2: (Listening was same as Cambridge but I missed 2 answers, reading pessage 1 was very easy, pessage 2,3 were a bit difficult, writing: Task 2 - Some people think that it's important to spend a lot of money on family celebrations (e.g. weddings, birthdays). But some people say that expensive celebrations are a waste of money.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Task1 : Table was about consumption of 3 different products in 4 different countries for each person daily.ask 1 table)

I just believe in Allah and me. everything will be perfect InshaAllah

Well done

Thanks for sharing!!!

5.0K viewsJakhan, 16:09
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2021-04-26 19:00:32 ​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈•••

Date: speaking-15.04.2021
main exam-17.04.2021
Test Centre: BC
Venue/City: Karshi city,Kashkadarya.
Examiner: Liz
Candidate: Mukhayyo Ruzieva
Exam type: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing.

Part 1_speaking
Do you work or are you a student?
1. Scenery
2. Accomodation
3. Farming

Part 2_speaking
Wild animal

Part 3_speaking
Part 3 asked questions related to Part 2

The exam was great.
Speaking on the zoom.

(Examiner was very friendly and a very good woman.
She smiled at me during the conversation and it seemed to support me.The questions sounded very good.
Only once asked why.
What I said was the reason for that. But I tried to answer and I answered. I liked Liz)

Listening was on the column. But it sounded good. I was especially happy to sit on the first desk. Section 2 and section 3 had 20 multiple choices and either order was listening. Section 1 and section 4 had one word.This is a very good and one word I really liked.)

Reading 1 was a little harder. Passage 2 was better. Passage 3 was harder. Reading also included one word, multiple choice, lettering, yes, no, not given and true, false, not given...)

TASK 1: Table
The table gives information about the consumption rate of three products in four countries.
It is good.

TASK 2: Discussed both these views and give your own opinion.
Some people think it is important spending a lot of money on family celebrations such as birthdays and weddings while others think it is a waste of money.
It's a very good topic.)

It's all from Allah.I believe only in Allah. If we believe in Allah, everything will be fine. I hope the result will be good.InshaAllah all will be well if you are lucky.

Thanks for sharing!!!

4.4K viewsJakhan, 16:00
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2021-04-26 18:00:33
Hey there! I want to present you with the brand new online and offline speaking clubs for those who want to improve their speaking skills for IELTS and overall have confidence in themselves to freely communicate. Check out our @SpeakEngWithUs_bot for further info!
4.7K viewsJakhan, 15:00
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2021-04-26 10:16:46 Hello dear IELTS taker,

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Date: main exam 24.04.2021
Test Centre: R H
Venue/City: Tashkent
Examiner: ...
Candidate: Jasmina
Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening

Part 1:

Part 2:
Describe ...
- . . .

Part 3:

P.S: (Listening was taugh enough notably section 3 & 4 there were many multiple choices even section 4 was full of multiple choices only 39 40 questions "one word only"

Reading was challenging passage 1 was difficult by comparing 2, 3

Writing was norm but I couldn't write Task 1 at all (bar chart) due to lack of time

P.S2: (speaking is on 29th April) I hope everything will be okay just calm down and do your best )

Thanks for sharing!!!

5.7K viewsJakhan, 07:16
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2021-04-26 09:25:38 Hello dear IELTS taker,

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Date: 22.04.2021
Test Centre: ...Kamelot dent
Venue/City: Tashkent
Examiner: ...John
Candidate: ...
Exam type: Speaking

Part 1:

Part 2:
Describe ... a place you want to work in a short time
- . . .

Part 3:
- All questions related to 2

P.S: (examiner was John not supportive and never smiled while exam , and always asked me why ? )

P.S2: (Anywhere no matter what I said believing in myself and Allah, I think everything is ok )

Well done

Thanks for sharing!!!

5.6K viewsJakhan, 06:25
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2021-04-25 14:00:16 Hello dear IELTS taker,

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Date: 24.04.2021
Test Centre:IDP Afrosiab speaking
Inha main test
Venue/City: Tashkent
Examiner: Mark
Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening

Part 1:

Part 2:
Describe a time when you didnt listen to someone
- . . .

Part 3:
Related to part3-

P.S: Exam was good also examiner but I dont think he is supportive (I dont satisfied from my speaking

P.S2: listening was easy enough, reading was moderate but passage 3 was dificcult for me and writing task 1 bar chart(trend) task 2 agree disagree (I hope that my score will be high and which I expected

Well done

Thanks for sharing!!!

5.6K viewsJakhan, 11:00
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2021-04-25 10:50:30 Hello dear IELTS taker,

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Date: 18.04.2021
Test Centre: TATU
Venue/City: Tashkent
Examiner: Alex
Candidate: Zohidbek
Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening
Exam was BC.

Part 1:
New year

Part 2:
I forgot
- . . .

Part 3:

P.S: (here write your impressions about exam and examiner)

P.S2: (Write about which words from the listening and other exams were particularly difficult for you)

Well done

Thanks for sharing!!!

4.9K viewsJakhan, 07:50
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2021-04-25 10:37:39 Inglizcha insholar kerakmi?
Unda qo'shilib oling
4.4K viewsJakhan, 07:37
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2021-04-25 09:50:29 Hello dear IELTS taker,

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Date: speaking 22.04.21
Main exam 24.04.21
Test Centre: BC
Venue/City: Tashkent
Examiner: Indian women (do not remember the name)
Candidate: @Safarboeva_n03
Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening

Part 1: speaking u live in an apartment or house
what is ur house looks like
2. Do u enjoy watching TV prog.
With whom do u usually watch
On what u watch (phone or TV)
What kinda prog. do u like

Part 2: speaking
Describe a polite person u know
• who this person is
• how u know this person
• why u think this person is polite
• does everyone think this person is polite

Part 3: speaking
• how do people in ur country show politeness
• are people today as polite as people were in the past
• what is the differences between people in the past and now
• where people are more polite in the city or countryside

Writing task 1 bar chart
The given chart shows the percentage of the population in UK which consumed daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in 2002,2006 and 2010.
Writing Task 2
Young people learn more about good behaviour from books or films/movies than learn from real life experience
To what extend do u agree or disagree?

P.S: ( the speaking examiner was serious. Sometimes it seemed to me that during my conversation she did not understand my answers very well, although I answered clearly with a normal tone of voice. The conversation took place in masks and it did not distract me. She didn’t make any comment to me but she asked many times (why) during my conversation and it sometimes interrupts you and you forget your idea, but it was not so difficult to answer.)

P.S2:(In the main exam it seemed to all candidates that the given time was not enough and almost for all candidates the reading section was hard to do so for me too, i just fully did the 1st and 2nd passages and they took roughly 50minut to do coz they was hard to understand so coming to 3rd section there was only 5minutes left and that is why i filled the answer sheet almost with guessed answers there was matching heading questions on the 2nd passage and multiple choice and gap filling in the 1st and 3rd
Listening was not so hard it was easy enough for me and writing also, it is all that i remember )
So do not worry about exam so much just believe in Allah and everything will be okay In Sha Allah

Well done

Thanks for sharing!!!

5.0K viewsJakhan, 06:50
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2021-04-24 20:15:21 Hello dear IELTS taker,

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Date: 24.04.2021
Test Centre:TATU
Venue/City Khorezm
Examiner: Ross
Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening

Part 1:

Part 2:
Describe ...
-old thing your family have been keeping for long time
- . . .

Part 3:
- gathering old things

P.S: speaking exam just fine Ross is very supportive polite person

P.S2: (Listening was quite easy
Reading 2-passage was bit difficult
Writing about young people learn good behavior from book or tv than life experiences

Believe yourself and Alloh
Everything will be fine

Well done

Thanks for sharing!!!

5.5K viewsJakhan, 17:15
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