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Following are a few of my suggestions for those looking to lea | Red Ice TV

Following are a few of my suggestions for those looking to learn more about Germanic spirituality, concepts about time, and symbolism.

You’ll note I don’t include any esoteric books on the runes here.

This is not to say there are no good ones- only that you’ll benefit more from immersing yourself in the cultural expressions, art, language, and mythos first…and then use that and your own blood to understand the runes.

Most modern books about them from an esoteric standpoint are a mishmash of Kabbalah and other eastern brands of ceremonial magic and occult systems.

Learn the rules before you break them.

Gods and Myths of Northern Europe by HR Davidson

Myth and Symbol in Pagan Europe by HR Davidson

Road to Hel by HR Davidson

The Prose and Poetic Eddas various translations (study the language as well for a better grasp of worldview)

Germania by Tacitus

Gods of the Ancient Northmen by Georges Dumezil

Shamanism by Mercia Eliade (not strictly Germanic but pure gold)

Odin the One Eyed God and the Indo Germanic Mannerbund by Kris Kershaw (I’ve recommended this many times. A life changing read.)

The Well and the Tree by Paul Bauschatz

The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity by James Russell (Often we can find many clues and interesting things in a people’s expression of something originally foreign, by seeing how it was “made native.” Fascinating book.)