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As a trial lawyer primarily representing victims in cases seek | Reply To Lin Wood

As a trial lawyer primarily representing victims in cases seeking money damages, I always tried to keep my clients’ expectations LOW on the value of their cases even when I myself had higher expectations for the value of their cases.

If the cases resolved for the represented “LOW” expectation, they would be HAPPY!!!

If their cases resolved for MORE than the represented “LOW” expectation, they would be THRILLED!!!

The same was true when I expressed to the clients WHEN their cases might be expected to resolve.

I erred on the conservative side of telling them a longer time period so that they would be THRILLED if it resolved sooner than I had told them to expect.

As the lead trial lawyer for my clients, I had to manage the clients’ expectations.

I always took the conservative approach in managing expectations.

Are you pickin’ up what I am layin’ down???
