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Niantic has posted a 2022 Q1 schedule and outlook, here's what | RGNN Ticker

Niantic has posted a 2022 Q1 schedule and outlook, here's what RGNN sumarized for you:

2022 focus:
Adding camera-based AR to Ingress, so Agents will finally see what Portal Scans can bring more to the game and make Ingress more fun
Growing global community, keep recruits, offer Global Challenges, distributed live events including Battle Beacons and more, First Saturday and Second Sunday. Improve New Agent Training.
Make money Including infrastructure optimization.

And some priorities in Q1:
Adventure Sync Weekly Summaries: Summaring Agents’ activity, and offering rewards for level of activity.
Second Sunday: Starting Feb with a new tiered medal pending announcement.
Portal Scan Meter: Set a community goal with a community reward for Portal Scanning, reward all local agents when a set number of Portals Scans are uploaded, to help build 3D map of Portal Network.
Updates to Support Live Ops/Events: More robust tools, working on Mission Days return in Q2
Support and Community Updates: Audit of help center and update the Remy bot. Forums bug fix, Community guidelines update, and Niantic Social

In addition, Thia supplemented on forum that Latency and Anti-Cheat are still actively worked on, and there are more to come, especially Q2: https://community.ingress.com/en/discussion/18104/discussion-2022-q1-ingress-schedule

Be sure to also check for Q1 Live event schedule: https://t.me/RGNNticker/6372
