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CIA - people who rise up are corrupt - he knows how to fix it. | 🇺🇸👊🏻🇺🇸 Richard Citizen Journalist 🇺🇸👊🏻🇺🇸

CIA - people who rise up are corrupt - he knows how to fix it.
Chronic disease epidemic- worst healthcare system. We spend more but have the worst health outcomes. 54% of our people/children have chronic health conditions. ADHD, ADD, obesity, autism, autoimmune, food allergies, exima 
We are the sickest generation in the history of the United States. 
1989 - is when is spiked - environmental toxins 
I am going to end the chronic disease epidemic. 
If I have not dropped the chronically ill among our children; please do not re-elect me.
We need to have a mature conversation about the war in Ukraine.
We have to respect difference of opinion and people’s capacity to ask questions. 
It’s not in our interest to involve ourselves in something that can lead to a nuclear crisis.
Supports Ukraine - we were told the reason or objective for being there was humanitarian: to end the bloodshed.
To have regime changes & to exhaust the Russian armies so that they can no longer fight anywhere else. It’s lengthens the war & there’s more bloodshed using Ukraine as a pawn for two political powers.
If it’s true, we need to know about it.
Why are we there?
We have now committed 113 Billion Dollars to Ukraine.
57% of Americans can not put their hands on $1,000 if they have an emergency 
33% homeless veterans
The war on the poor is a blood war. We have a crisis on our own hands.
We have Americans who go to bed hungry.
50 million Americans dropped by Medicare
Food stamps are being dropped
We have $ for wars and bailing out banks?
What happens to Americans having hard times? Shouldn’t we have compassion for them.
Iraq wars cost us 8 Trillion 
They are just printing $ 1 Trillion 
10 centuries worth of wealth to pay for bail outs. Inflation is a tax on the poor.
78% increase for food 
$880 Billion is being spent on military 
The economy is the strength of our nation: not weapons and bullets.
Poverty & violence are connected 
Principal job of every president in the US is to keep us out of war. The tombstone should say “I kept the peace”.
We use military strength to project power
Brazil/ Saudi Arabia switching to China 
These are not normal circumstances, 
I have skeletons in my closet
Normally, I would not do this but these are not normal times.
Put our children first
Bring back the JFK party, Martin Luther King.
Fight the Corporations & Agencies 
88 Billion Dollars from the vaccine 
The people appointed “get the joke”
Well I get the joke but I don’t think it’s funny.