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REGULATORY CAPTURE 'Regulatory capture by corporate interest | Robin Monotti Cory Morningstar


"Regulatory capture by corporate interests runs rampant throughout our politics, governmental agencies and institutes. The corporatists have infiltrated all three branches of government, and it is up to us, the people, to take control back. Corporate-public partnerships that have become so trendy have another name, it is fascism- the political science term for the fusion of the interests of corporations and the state. Basically, the tension between the interest of the republic and its citizens (which Jefferson felt should be primary), and the financial interests of business and corporations (Hamilton’s ideal) has swung far too far to the interests of corporations and their billionaire owners at the expense of the general population.

"The nation and its governing arms (including the intrenched bureaucracy often referred to as the “deep state”) now primarily serves the interests of multinational corporations and managers, instead of the other way around. The term that best describes this system of government is called inverted totalitarianism.

Resistance is almost the only way that this can be fought.  It has to be organized, funded and the effort must have professional organizers. 

Resistance has begun, largely in church communities and self-assembling social media aggregates, with communities organizing to form autonomous groups outside of the formal power structures including the two main political parties - both of whom have been significantly captured by corporate interests (the uniparty). In order for this resistance effort to be successful, these groups will have to remove themselves from corporate influence and funding."

Robert Malone


Channel: @robinmg