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SHADOW WORK One of the hardest things for people is to 'go th | Seeds of Awareness


One of the hardest things for people is to "go there" because real shadow work and confronting your fears, most of them unconscious, and stored trauma in the body, is not a walk in the park. Far from it. You can read books and quotes about it and may understand it intellectually but the work itself is painful, scary, messy and requires immense courage, but not the courage of being "tough". It's the courage to not resist discomfort, not escape into the head or back into your comfort zone, but to be vulnerable and feel it all in the body, for the healing only happens through the body, beyond any intellectual analysis.

That's where the rubber hits the road when it comes to self-work and the internal alchemical fire for transmutation gets ignited through the friction of discomfort and "conscious suffering" as Gurdjeff and many other teachers talked about, without resisting it, escaping it, nor projecting it outwardly by blaming others for your feelings or situation.

It requires incredible self-ownership and responsibility for everything you feel.

You may have intellectually realized what your "issues" are, but as long as it's not embodied and released through your body and felt deeply within you, all you create is a mask, armor and buffers to avoid facing yourself, while believing you have already worked through your "stuff". As Gurdjieff said "you have to pay with yourself" and no one else can "pay" or do the work for you.

Discomfort is medicine and a profound teaching as well if we don't resist it. It's the only place where true healing happens. It also requires faith and trust and most of all letting go of our attachments.

Doing this work is the most important thing/practice in this day and age. We can complain about the world's "issues" on social media until eternity (which sometimes starts to sound like a "never ending flushing toilet") but nothing changes if we don't go where true change happens and where it can get really uncomfortable: within and into the body while also understanding what is happening on a bigger picture level beyond our personal processes and 3D Matrix distractions, political and otherwise.

It's easy to get caught up in our own "shit" (when self/shadow-work becomes a narcissistic self-indulgent/self-pity process) or the world's miseries if we forget what it is all about and what we are here to do as embodied sovereign individuals, which is really about "being".

That process has profound effects on the outside world (which is not really "outside" or separated from "you") with regards to reality creation based on your internal healing process as you are clearing your vessel for higher energies to anchor themselves, reconnecting you to who you truly are. Know that you are loved and assisted at all times and know that no one can take away who and what you truly are.

Bernhard Guenther
