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2021-08-30 09:24:06
37 views06:24
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2021-08-27 20:52:30 Porque prefiero a Robert Graves que a Julius Evola.

Muchos paganos toman influencia del pensador Julius Evola, si bien Evola tiene muchos textos de valor, se debe separar lo bueno de lo malo y Evola tiene mucho que ser criticado.

Evola fue un pagano en su juventud pero por razones ideológicas terminó aceptando el cristianismo y el Islam, bajo el concepto de "alianza tradicional de religiones".

Evola tergiverso los mitos del mundo pagano para adecuarlo a su ideología política, inventando un catolicismo "pagano" gibelino.

El sincretismo pagano-cristianismo por razones políticas es un disparate que sólo lleva a híbridos bizarros, como el "cristianismo positivo" del Tercer Reich.

Dejemos en claro que el catolicismo gibelino no era pagano, era una corriente política, no espiritual, usurpo los elementos solares de las religiones indoeuropeas como todo el catolicismo. El Medievo tan exaltado por el "pagano" Evola fue el basurero de la historia.

Se debe ser congruente, se es pagano o se es abrahámico, se esta del lado de los dioses o se esta del lado del dios del desierto. No hay gibelinos, paganos cristianos, ni Cristos nórdicos.

En esto Robert Graves siempre fue un pagano congruente, poeta e historiador, Graves describió la belleza y magia del mundo pagano en sus libros sin meter ideologias políticas.

Graves fue devoto de la Diosa Blanca y su triple forma a la que ponía por encima de la trinidad abrahámica.

En Graves la poesía, la historia, la tradición y la Ley Natural se conjugan develando la belleza sobrenatural del mundo pagano.

Por eso prefiero y recomiendo la lectura de Robert Graves antes que Evola, porque escojo a un verdadero pagano antes que a alguien que solo utilizó el paganismo como plataforma ideológica.
48 views17:52
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2021-08-26 18:18:07 Guenon on the Transcendent Unity of Religions

"I never said or thought that different traditions had to or even could merge or assimilate in any way whatsoever, even in their theoretical part. All that is possible and desirable, is a common understanding on a certain ground. This cannot be disputed when one admits that, the truth being one, it is possible to establish equivalences between its various modes of expression. I would further add that communication between various traditional doctrines, under conditions which do not detract from their independence, can only be effectuated from above. Perhaps you have already said that; unfortunately it is not possible for me currently to explain myself as clearly as I would like, especially as it would be very difficult, I fear, to find qualified individuals capable of taking the initiative of an effective rapprochement such as the one I am thinking of. Ultimately, this may come. Never despair"
67 views15:18
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2021-08-26 16:15:15
43 views13:15
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2021-08-26 16:14:05 >The world is a place where fallen souls attempt to enjoy existence separately from God.

>The ultimate purpose of the world is reformation of character and attitude, by which the soul can attain liberation. The soul suffers not so much through his location but through his rebellious attitude.
39 views13:14
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2021-08-26 16:13:15
41 views13:13
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2021-08-26 14:53:26 Who is Krishna..(Janmashtami Special).pdf
44 views11:53
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2021-08-26 11:19:19

94 views08:19
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2021-08-25 21:11:19
I'm no Buddhist, but I appreciate Zen.

To questions of "how do we save our people from modernity" the Zen master would hit you with a stick and say "not enlightened" or "chop wood, carry water", meaning get on with the task in front of you and the question will dissolve. This could have been said by the author of the Havamal.

You know you need to have a good sized family and live for your community before yourself. Start with that and then move on to the next thing.

It's not grandiloquent or romantic, but great things have humble beginnings. It's the greatness that honours the beginnings, not the other way around.
46 views18:11
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2021-08-23 01:56:10 Below is a historically informed reading list to begin your journey. The order matters. This list is based on what we know some historical Platonists used as a curriculum.

The first two are short and straightforward and will transform your life if you engage seriously with them. I recommend reading them frequently and meditating on them daily.

This curriculum will take you through a plan of moral purification and gradually introduce you to deeper philosophical matters.

While not part of the "standard" historical Platonic curriculum, as far as I know, I do also recommend reading Book VII of Plato's Republic, which contains the famous cave allegory. Additionally, Sallust's On the Gods and the World is a good introduction to the Platonic path.

1. The Pythagorean Golden Verses
2. The Handbook of Epictetus
3. Select dialogues of Plato:
1. Alcibiades I
2. Gorgias
3. Phaedo
4. Cratylus
5. Theaetetus
6. Sophist
7. Statesman
8. Phaedrus
9. Symposium
10. Philebus
11. Timaeus
12. Parmenides

Moving on from here, there are ancient commentaries available on many of these texts, as well as numerous other Stoic and Platonic texts, such as those by Epictetus, Seneca, Plotinus and Proclus.
52 views22:56
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