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Apologies to NABARD Grade A aspirants Hi everyone, NABARD G | Shared Learning

Apologies to NABARD Grade A aspirants

Hi everyone,

NABARD Grade A phase 1 result was a very positive surprise for me. Around 200 students messaged me that they had cleared Phase 1. 200 students out of a group of 1100 students was beyond any expectations. And in fact, the actual selection may be more than this, as everybody is not comfortable sharing their result.

Many of you wrote beautiful long messages expressing gratitude and how excited you were about Phase 2.

But I failed in my commitment to guide you properly after Phase 1. I had planned a lot of things for your descriptive section. But things changed very rapidly in my personal life. I told you briefly about this a few days back, but I wasn't comfortable in sharing much personal details.

But now, I decided to write another post. So many of you have messaged me for guidance, but I could not reply. I am really sorry.

A person very dear to me is hospitalised for a month. For the last so many days, I have been spending my entire day in the hospital and working only during the nights. More than the lack of time, it has been emotionally very tough. And all this happened when I was just recovering from COVID.

I understand that when you are so close to your exams, you are already full of tension and don't have much headspace for someone else's personal problems. But lack of communication was professionally embarrassing for me as a teacher, so I decided to share what was going on and why the channel had become so silent.

I never considered teaching as just another job. Coming from a family of teachers, I take it very seriously. My main driving force behind starting Shared Learning is to create something better than what has already been created—not being able to fulfil my commitment is deeply embarrassing for me. I apologise to all of you.

I could not fulfil my commitment for your phase 2, but I wish you all the best. Give everything in the next 15 days. There is nothing more satisfying in life than honest hard work.

Right now, I am trying to push my boundaries and working for RBI Grade B in the little time I am able to manage.