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NABARD Grade A (Mains): Best wishes and last words before the | Shared Learning

NABARD Grade A (Mains): Best wishes and last words before the exam:

Hello friends,

As a teacher, it's so easy for me to tell you to be calm and composed. But you will be flooded with thoughts.

I know it's tough, but you need to calm down your mind now. Tomorrow is not about your preparation level in the absolute sense. What matters is how much juice you can extract from your preparation — And your mental composure will decide this.

We are talking for the last time before your exam. Before conveying my best wishes, I want to share some helpful mental perspectives and a few tangible pieces of advice for tomorrow.

Mental perspectives:

(1) Within all of us, there are two voices. One of them says that we can rock anything in this world. The other keeps doubting ourselves at every moment. Tomorrow is the day to find your first voice — Listen to it — It knows that you are too powerful to fear an exam.

(2) Don't treat the exam as a battlefield and make it a do-or-die situation — It will increase your anxiety and fear. Instead, treat the exam as a playground and play passionately.

(3) Make a promise that you won't think about the family's expectation pressure. Expectations are good only till the time they motivate us. Don't let them burden you.

(4) Make a promise that you won't think of your past failures. You know that the past is the biggest enemy of your future.

Tangible advices:

(1) If you are an "adventurous" student, who stays awake the whole night before the exam, please rethink. It's not an objective exam; you need to write for 3 hours — You need energy. For your own sake, please have a good sleep.

(2) If possible, please carry a home-cooked light meal for the break. If it's not possible, then take some fruits with you. You will start your day at around 7:00 am. But you have to write your Paper 2 descriptive exam after 6 hours. If you don't take care of your diet, you might feel sleepy and exhausted by that time.

(3) Please avoid chit-chat in the exam centre. It will unnecessarily disturb your mental peace. Stay focused; exam-centre is not a place to start life-long friendships.

(4) If you are feeling too much pressure, please trust my words and try a short meditation before sleep ( and before leaving for the exam). Yesterday, I told you about a beautiful app, "Headspace", you can try it if you have never tried meditation.

It's time to say the last words:

Okay, friends, that's enough for the last day. You have already read such a long post; I won't check more of your patience. So, it's finally time to say that — Best of luck :)

Go with full force. The exam is your playground; play passionately. And when you come back home, feel free to share your experience.