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2021-11-01 17:30:00 You may learn lots of Vocabularies and Colourful sentences which are patterns of your speech. Try to use them in your daily life.

Make your own sentence to the comment below:
375 views14:30
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2021-11-01 17:27:30
Latitude- (Formal) Erkinlik

Thrill - Hayajonlanmoq;

(Smb) has already made the world of difference in our lives (Kimdir) allaqachon hayotimizda o'zgarishlar dunyosini yaratdi.

To be really scared of... Haqiqatdan ham.... Dan qo'rqaman

I feel really fortunate. O'zimni haqiqatdan ham baxtli his qilyapman

It wouldn’t make sense. Bu mantiqqa to'g'ri kelmaydi.

It is really meaningful... Bu haqiqatdan ham mazmunli

To be such an inspiration of all generations. Barcha avlodlar uchun ilhomlantiruvchi bo'lmoq

To be supposed to be... Bo'lishga taxmin qilinadi

Incredibly improvished - Aql bovar qilmas darajada takomillashgan.

Latrines - Hojatxona

Saviour - Haloskor

I believe that there is a story worth telling.. Aytishga arziydigan hikoya borligiga ishonaman.

I am very proud to.. Men... bilan juda faxrlanaman.

I'll try justify and your faith in me Men buni va menga bo'lga ishonchingizni oqlashga harakat qilaman

Clumsy time Noqulay vaqt.
387 views14:27
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2021-11-01 13:08:02 Case
Examiner: Why do people prefer going to cinemas to watching TV?
Speaker:I would attribute this phenomenon to many causes, the most prevalent being the alleviation of pressure consequent to the psychological conflicts in modern society. Not only is the cinema very relaxing, but it is also a social activity allowing various other activities. People can not only have time with their families, but they can also be entertained.

Finally, in Case 5, the speaker may be using memorised 'fluff" but at least this 'flufr" provides a relevant answer to the question. Memorisation may affect the speaker's pronunciation band score, but let us assume here that the answer is given naturally, in which case we must consider the benefits of using phrases such as 'attribute this phenomenon', "alleviation of pressure' and "psychological conflicts in modern society'. Good or bad? Very good, in IELTS Writing. Task Two. However, in the IELTS Speaking Test, it is inappropriate and bad.

The phrasing used in Case 5 does not respond to the informality of the situation. This informality is shown in the public version of the Band Descriptors, which, for Lexical Resource, reward "idiomatic' vocabulary, not 'formal' complicated words.

These band descriptors tell us that:

IELTS Nine idiomatic language naturally.
IELTS Eight-uses idiomatic vocabulary skillfully
IELTS Seven some idiomatic vocabulary.
IELTS Six language mostly appropriately.

So, it is the casual language, with spoken idioms and slang, which measures good word-use in the IELTS speaking test. Formal language, including the 'not only.. but also' model, just sounds unnatural and memorised, and usually is, often from books written by Chinese authors.

Thus, in Case 5, a much better example is:
Examiner: Why do people prefer going to cinemas to watching TV? Speaker:It's pretty obvious when you think about it. With everyone stressed to their eyeballs with work and mortgages, and throw in the two point five kids on top of that, people need somewhere to chill out, or otherwise [smiling, shrugging the shoulders) get to know their girlfriends in the privacy of the darkness, like l used to
436 views10:08
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2021-11-01 13:08:02 Case 4
Examiner: Why do people generally like to eat in restaurants?
Speaker: I think people generally like to eat in restaurants because... [Answer].

Examiner: Why do young people often prefer rock music to classical music?
Speaker:I think young people often prefer rock music to classical music because rock music is different to classical music, so young people prefer rock music to classical music, but some prefer classical music, and not just rock music, but rock music is more popular generally than classical music.

In Case 4, the speaker's first answer repeats the question words: the second answer also repeats the question words, and then continues repeating them. This is an "overuse" of words, and the public version of the IELTS Fluency & Coherence Band Descriptors tells us:

IELTS Five = Uses repetition to keep speaking
IELTS Four = Uses much repetition to keep speaking ...

so the Speaker in Case 4 could only receive one of these scores. Remember, it is not just the number of words you use, but the way you use them, which gives you a good score.Good speakers do not repeat.

So, the better answers for Case 4 are: Case 4 [Better Answers]

Examiner: Why do people generally like to eat in restaurants?
Speaker: Well, for a start, it's certainly convenient, because someone else is doing all the cooking and cleaning.. [And so on].

Examiner: Why do young people often prefer rock music to classical music?
Speaker: I have no idea really. Who knows what's in the mind of young people. Maybe because they are young, and full of energy, they want a style of music that reflects this... [And so on].
370 views10:08
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2021-11-01 13:08:02 Case
Examiner: What electronic devices do young people like?
Speaker: They like the Internet; they like MP3 players; they like i-pods; they like smart phones, and mobile phones. They like USB sticks and PSP, and they Kindle as well.

Examiner: What's your favourite food?
Speaker:I like noodles, chicken, and I like rice. I like meat, pork, and sometimes bacon. I like eggs, and vegetables. I like eggplant, spinach, and carrots. I eat beans and peas, and fruit...

In Case , the speaker is simply listing items - which does not create a variety of grammar or vocabulary, or allow much use of features of pronunciation. Do not list! Just pick one or two items, then talk about them in more detail.
359 views10:08
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2021-11-01 13:07:29 Case
Examiner: Why do people have hobbies?
Speaker: I like watching TV because it has many entertaining programs.

Examiner: Why do people have hobbies?
Speaker: Well, TV relaxes me. When I was watching it last night... [and so on].

Case , the Examiner has asked a general question about peoplegenerally, not the speaker personally. However, the speaker keeps trying to answer personally. There is no 'task fulfilment' category in IELTS speaking, but the more experienced examiner will realise that you are speaking personally because it is easier. The examiner will realise that you do not have the English ability to handle general or unfamiliar topics.

You may be IELTS Vocabulary Five:
Has some words for familiar and unfamiliar topics .

but you are not IELTS Vocabulary Six: Has words for a wide variety of topics.

So, when asked a general question, if you can only speak personally, or prefer to explain a point through a personal example which is often very good, then you need to "signpost this to the examiner using 'diseourse markers' or a direct statement.
You could say:
As for myself, I guess...
Well, speaking personally here, I can say that / like TV because...
I'm not sure, but personally I can say that watching TV can...
Perhaps I can answer that by looking first at myself. I like TV because...
Perhaps my own reasons can illustrate an answer. TV relaxes me...
In fact [past time reference, eg. just last week'], I...

This could be linked back to the general view with a concluding statement beginning with 'So...". In our example, you could say:
I think other people would generally feel the same way.
probably most people have hobbies for the same reasons as me.
I'm probably typical of most people in this respect.
I guess most people would feel similar to that.
that's probably why people like TV.

415 views10:07
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2021-10-31 17:50:24 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐕𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬

Inspiring - Ilhomlashtiruvchi

Inspire - Undamoq

Hide - Yashirmoq

Suicide - O'z joniga qasd qilmoq

Deserve - Loyiq bo'lmoq

Unconditionally - So'zsiz

More than deserve -
Keragidan ko'ra ko'p

Trust me - Menga ishon

Ex - Sobiq sevgili

True love - Haqiqiy sevgi

Soul - Qalb

Capacity of hate - Nafrat hissi

Doesn’t/Don’t care -

Appreciate - Qadrlamoq

One's back - ... Ning o'tmishi
(My back =O'tmishim)

Stranger - Begona

Attached with smth/smb - Nimadir/Kimdirga bog'lanmoq

Made by Mr Shaxzod

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554 views14:50
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2021-10-31 13:10:27

Birinchi IELTS Mock exam ham muvaffaqiyatli yakunlandi . Shu o'rinda tashkilotchilar va ishtirok etgan barchaga o'z minnatdorlikimizni bildiramiz.

Katta katta shaharlarda ham kichik ko'ngilsizliklar bo'ladi deganidek. Xato va kamchiliklar uchun uzr so'raymiz.

Hurmat ila "Leaders Academy" va "Zukko Education" jamoasi.

Ha aytgancha 7-noyabr kuni bo'lib o'tadigan bepul mock examga taklif etamiz
599 viewsedited  10:10
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2021-10-30 10:37:01 What is wrong with the speakers' answers in the following cases?

Examiner: Do you have any hobbies?
Candidate:Yes l have many hobbies llike watching TV and thanks for asking me this. I watch TV every evening my favourite programisa... [and so on, for three minutes].

They can also be Case is common. Some students think 'fast fluent'; however, speaking unnaturally fast will lead to problems which may lower your score. The Fluency & Coherence' category in the public version of the Speaking Band Descriptors does not mention about speed in Band Six or higher. These higher band scores expect you to speak with:
1. little self-correction, hesitation, or repetition,
2. clearly developed topics, at some length,
3. a flow of speech, with appropriate discourse markers.

This is not about speed. Remember, native speakers of English often speak quite slowly (but follow the previous Points I to 3). So, do not try to "rush" or speaking. Also, sometimes you first need to think a little in order to give a good answer, and this is natural and understood by IELTS examiners and the band deseriptors. Remember though, thinking for ideas is fine, but thinking for words is not. Thinking for words means being unable to speak.A few thinking' silences may help you, particularly if this is made clear by body language' see Part Three. ever, if your silences are becoming long, then our tips can help them

640 views07:37
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2021-10-30 06:36:01
Important Lessons You Must Learn BEFORE Age 30 | Best Life Advice | Natalie Imbruglia
623 views03:36
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