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For the next 30 years, the sun may continue to be very quiet, | SHIFT

For the next 30 years, the sun may continue to be very quiet, which could have major implication just as when the sun is very active. For one, it may actually become colder like it did during the Dalton Minimum from 1790-1830, when the average temperature dropped 1 C or 1.8 F. However, if it's more like the Maunder Minimum from 1645-1715 aka the "Little Ice Age" then the global average of temps may drop to 2 C and 3.6 F, with temperatures being lower or higher depending on where in the world you will be.

The catastrophic events of the late Holocene Epoch around 12,000 years ago followed a cyclical pattern of Solar Minimum activity and were described by ancient people in literature. The ancient stories, such as the destruction of Atlantis, the wars in the Vedas marking the end of an age, flood myths galore, and many other stories describe unnatural phenomena, such as destructive weather phenomena, all are based during this period of an extended solar minimum (which was not itself the only cause of these events but it was a major component and it also set off a chain reaction of other events). We have many creation stories beginning at the start of a new paradigm that came after these massive shifts.

Also, it's interesting to note that Plato's 300-year solar peak and trough cycle matches exactly the 300 year transition periods that exists between the 4 yugas. In 2025, it looks like we are seeing the official end of the Kali Yuga and the beginning of a 300 year transition cycle. Even more interesting is that the current solar cycle, which began in December 2019, is projected to reach its peak (albeit a lower than normal one) in 2025.