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'Game, Set, Match' I used mathematics to demonstrate the exis | ⚡️ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽

"Game, Set, Match"

I used mathematics to demonstrate the existence of algorithms controlling our election outcomes. These algorithms were active throughout the November 2020 election, and in subsequent elections.

Down to the precinct level, we've been able to identify likely phantom voters, and our supermoms have been pounding the pavement, finding and documenting the existence of the phantom voters.

Now, the PCAPs will be released, providing real-time recordings of the internet activity of the algorithms... catching them in the act.


A supermom shows up at her local Board of Elections... she says, "Dr Frank (and others) proved mathematically and statistically that algorithms controlled the outcome of our 'election.' Here is a pile of 1,000 people who you recorded votes for, but they don't exist... they are phantom voters. And finally, here is a copy of the electronic communication that took place during our election with machines that are not supposed to be connected to the internet. What gives?"

Game. Set. Match.