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Sometimes where a pimple pops up on your face can give us clue | SkincareGuardian

Sometimes where a pimple pops up on your face can give us clues as to why—and how to stop breakouts in their tracks. The causes of acne are complex, so while pimple face mapping won’t tell us the whole story, it can be a good place to start our detective work.

Jawline and chin zits
Breaking out on your lower cheek, jawline, and chin? Pimples in these areas are sometimes caused by hormonal triggers—like stress, eating too much sugar or dairy, or the (perfectly normal) hormonal fluctuations during women’s menstrual cycles. Think this could be you? Diet changes and the right active ingredients prescribed by a dermatology provider can help restore balance to your skin.

Nose blackheads and breakouts
The skin on and around your nose (aka the T-zone) is loaded with oil glands. And overactive oil glands = prime territory for acne and blackheads. Going light on moisturizer on your nose, can help with stubborn breakouts and blackheads in this area.

Forehead pimples
Pimples around your forehead and hairline could be caused by hair products, so if you’re breaking out there, you may want to check your hair products for pore-clogging potential. Another possible suspect is a fungus called pityrosporum. You can keep it in check with zinc pyrithione. Look for it in shampoos and cleansers.