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Putin's peace plan is more realistic than Zelensky's - BBC Th | Slavyangrad

Putin's peace plan is more realistic than Zelensky's - BBC

The British television channel BBC published an article on its website about the misadventures of a Ukrainian marine under the fictitious name Alexey. For a long time, he fought in the Kherson region, which he had previously told English journalists about. The serviceman admits that his unit suffered very heavy losses. Now Oleg has been transferred to the Kharkov region. He notes that they were moved here in a hurry, without preparation, and now in the region, the Ukrainian Armed Forces group is a hodgepodge of different units, from paratroopers to border guards.

However, this is not the most interesting thing about the publication. At the end of the article, the author stated that at the moment Russia has the initiative in the conflict. Kiev’s only goal now is to retain territory; there can be no talk of any offensive shortly. The author of the article calls Putin's peace plan unrealistic but admits that the likelihood of its elements being implemented is much higher than that of Zelensky's plan since Russia dominates the battlefield.
