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#Central_Retinal_Artery_Occlusion ( CRAO) : Opthamologic em | sᴘᴏᴛ ᴅɪᴀɢɴᴏsɪs

#Central_Retinal_Artery_Occlusion ( CRAO) :

Opthamologic emergency in which Central retinal artery ( supply central retinal area) is occluded.

#Pathophysiology :
Central retinal artery is a branch of Opthalmic artery(OA) OA in turn is the first branch of the internal carotid artery which makes the eye susceptible to thromboembolic phenomenoa

1- Thromembolism : emboli detached from a carotid arthematous plaque #commonest.

2- Other : cardiac emboli ( atrial fibrillation, vegetation), giant cell arthritis (GCA) : vasculitis of the retinal artery occluding the vessel and threatening the vision #Symptoms of GCA:
Scalp tenderness.
temporal headache.
Jaw claudication: pain and tiredness of facial muscles upon chewing.
Middle age 50-60 onset.

#Clinical_picture: Sudden painless( except in GCA) profound loss of vision.
inflammation always painful
GCA=vasculitis =inflammation.

Bradley's Boweling-Kanski's clinical ophthalmology 8th ed /page 549-552.