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Build your up-level network Before every fundraising campaign | 🦄 Unicorn Mafia Startup

Build your up-level network

Before every fundraising campaign, I highly recommend building your *up-level network*. If you are planning a pre-seed raise, find founders who recently raised it. If you are prepping for seed round, find founders who raised seed before. Same for round A.

Approach founders with some similarity (industry sector, demographics, business model) and ask for their advice (10-20 min call or text chat) for you prepping towards fundraising. Share you deck and/or target investor list in advance. Don't ask for investor names or intros yet. Just general fundraising planning advance.

Good questions to ask:
— What are the "hot trends" for venture investors I can attach our company to?
— What are the weak spots in my pitch to fix?
— What kind of investor will be most interested in our work?
— What are our stringest points from your opinion?

Once you've talked/chatted with 20-50 "up-level" founders, you can hit them all at once later, when you are ready to raise. You'll show them that you've addressed some of their feedback points. Now they can see your progress-making ability and will be more confident making intros for you.