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Sunday, 25 April 2021 The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competiti | Static GK & GS 4 Competitive Exams

Sunday, 25 April 2021

The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams.

1. DISMISS (VERB): (पद से हटाना):  throw out
Synonyms: get rid of, discharge
Antonyms: Engage
Example Sentence:The prime minister dismissed five members of his cabinet.

2. ACCESSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (सुलभ):  approachable
Synonyms: available easy-going
Antonyms: unapproachable
Example Sentence:He is more accessible than most tycoons.

3. COMPREHENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक):  inclusive
Synonyms: all-inclusive, complete
Antonyms: partial
Example Sentence:He owns a comprehensive collection of photographs.

4. DORMANT (ADJECTIVE): (निष्क्रिय):  asleep
Synonyms: sleeping, slumbering
Antonyms: awake
Example Sentence:During the winter the seeds lie dormant in the soil.

5. MOUNT (VERB): (वृद्धि होना):  increase
Synonyms: grow, rise
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:The costs mount up when one buys a new home.

6. ACCOUNTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तरदायी):  responsible
Synonyms: liable, answerable
Antonyms: unanswerable
Example Sentence:Ministers are accountable to Parliament.

7. TARDINESS (NOUN): (विलंब):  lateness
Synonyms: delay, retardation
Antonyms: punctuality
Example Sentence:Forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to.

8. WOE (NOUN): (कष्ट): misery
Synonyms: sorrow, distress
Antonyms: happiness
Example Sentence:His woes never ended due to his nature.

9. DESCENT (NOUN): (अवरोहण):  drop
Synonyms: fall, sinking
Antonyms: ascent
Example Sentence:The plane had gone into a steep descent.

10. UPTURN (NOUN): (वृद्धि):  increase
Synonyms: rise, jump
Antonyms: fall
Example Sentence:Her luck seems to have taken an upturn.