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​​ Pro tip: How to take advantage of protein intake Normally | Steroidify

​​ Pro tip: How to take advantage of protein intake

Normally there are many questions about how to take advantage of our daily protein intake, today we are going to see how to take advantage of our protein intake using current scientific literature.

The MINIMUM daily protein intake should be divided into at least three meals per day , less than 3 will be counterproductive.

It will be counterproductive to divide the same amount of protein that you would consume in three meals in more than three.

The minimum amount that we must reach per intake is 0.25gr / kg - 0.4 gr / kg (the greater the amount of muscle, the more we need, the older we are, the more we need).

It is recommended that we need to consume a minimum of 3gr of Leucine for each protein intake.

#Protip #Protein