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​​ Article: Should you train while sick? Unless you’ve been | Steroidify

​​ Article: Should you train while sick?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the middle of some desert for the last couple of years, you probably know we’re living in a pandemic, so at the moment if you’re feeling sick, especially with COVID-19-like symptoms, it’s best for you and for whoever trains at your gym that you stay at home, but in normal times or if you have access to a home gym, here are a few facts to help you choose whether or not you should train while feeling sick:

It might help you get over a cold faster: training while sick helps flush useful nutrients through the body and aids in expelling toxins, so it will help you get back to normal faster;
You’ll probably feel stronger: while being counter-intuitive, during the early stages of a cold, while your throat is just feeling a little sore or your nose a little funny, your immune system will release antibodies. These antibodies together with the altered hormonal state will act as strength enhancers. You’ve probably experienced this before when you were not feeling too well but still went to the gym and in the end felt stronger for some reason;
Sitting around and feeling miserable will only get you further into the sickness cycle. It’s been proven that one’s psychological state can alter significantly how fast that person will heal from being sick back to normal. The feeling of accomplishing a workout even when sick can be helpful in getting healthy faster.

Of course, it all sounds great but keep in mind that training while sick is only recommended for mild symptoms. If you’re really not feeling well, go see a doctor and follow his instructions, which may include taking medication and resting. If that’s not the case, try going for a light walk or doing some basic bodyweight exercises. You’ll be back on your feet before you know it.

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