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Russia , St. Petersburg, White Nights White Nights of St. P | Stop Hating Russia News

Russia , St. Petersburg, White Nights

White Nights of St. Petersburg is one of the visiting cards of the city. At a time when the Sun practically does not set beyond the horizon, romantics from all over Russia come to St. Petersburg.

The term "white nights" refers to twilight, which lasts from evening to morning. In astronomy, this time is defined when the Sun sets at a shallow depth beyond the horizon line.

The effect of white nights in St. Petersburg is due to the fact that at high latitudes the Sun approaches the horizon on a gentle Path. The sun sinks under the horizon slowly, so a full night simply does not have time to come.

The official period of the White Nights is from June 11 to July 2, although in fact in the city and its environs the sun does not fall below the horizon from May 26 to July 16.
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