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​​Covid-1984: Merriam Webster Changes Definition To Paint Most | Joe M Storm Is Upon Us

​​Covid-1984: Merriam Webster Changes Definition To Paint Most Americans As Anti-Vaxxers

The world renowned dictionary has changed the meaning of the term "anti-vaxxer" to mean anyone who protests the forced mandate of vaccines.

This is an Orwellian use of language.

Language can be a weapon, the pen is after all mightier than the sword, or so the saying goes. Leftists have known this for YEARS, and it is in fact one of their most prized assets.

This is why they attempt to control free speech in any way, this is why they threaten, intimidate and censor speakers they don’t like, this is one of the biggest reasons why they control the universities.

Reports have revealed that The Merriam Webster dictionary has taken it upon itself to change the definition of the word “anti-vaxxer.”

I’ll let you take a look and decide for yourself whether you agree with their new definition or not.
Take a look:

The National Review had more on the story:
Merriam-Webster’s definition of “anti-vaxxer” — a term Dr. Pham believes is unhelpful even when applied accurately — “conflates a matter of clinical science with a matter of good governance.”

This is not the first time that Merriam-Webster has been accused of altering language with political motivations. Last year during Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing, Merriam-Webster changed its definition of sexual preference to indicate that it was offensive in an effort to support Senator Mazie Hirono’s erroneous suggestion that Barrett’s use of the term indicated bias against the LGBT community.

Merriam-Webster has not responded to a request for comment.

Trending Politics came through with more details:

Now that resistance is growing against such dystopian and anti-American ideas, the push is underway to demonize and persecute those who oppose mandatory vaccinations, mask mandates, and the passports that are a step toward the social credit system that has been implemented in communist China.

Merriam-Webster’s new definition includes pro-civil liberties Americans who gather signatures on petitions to persuade their elected representatives to oppose mandatory vaccination laws:

As anti-vaxxers launch a campaign against a bill that would eliminate their ability to opt out of required shots, supporters of the proposal are delivering more than 21,000 petition signatures to the office of state Sen. Ben Allen …

The term had previously been reserved for “conspiracy theorists” but like “white supremacist” has been expanded to include any who oppose the ideology of the ruling political class.

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