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You are challenged to reconsider the story of Earth by elevati | ✨Straight from the Source✨ Success with Jenna Zwagil

You are challenged to reconsider the story of Earth by elevating yourself out of ignorance, and by uniting with the people of Earth as they awaken from a long, solemn slumber. Peacefully applying your emotional intelligence toward respecting the intelligence of Earth, and accepting responsibility for becoming fully informed of humanity's legacy, are now of the utmost priority.

The awakening of conscious awareness is unstoppable

You must value the life you are living; you are highly adaptable and well prepared on many levels of reality to deal with your chosen probabilities. You must gather the courage to believe in your inner strength. Pay attention and focus your attention, and your mind, body, and the subatomic levels of your being will start to gather new intelligence.

Remember the sounds, sights, and scents of nature create hemispheric balance between the right and left sides of the brain, allowing you to tune in to what is occurring with greater precision and clarity. When you balance your body, you can integrate the new fields of energy that carry codes of consciousness for navigating this huge transformation.

You are here to restore dignity and full operability to the code-reading device that you call the human body. With everything speeding up, we remind you once again that everything is a dance of energy, a swirling sea of subatomic particles that can be differentiated to become symbols of energy used to qualify the field for creative expression.

At whatever level you are playing this game, it is about learning how to swim in symbols used to explain, explore, and differentiate the field of existence in cooperation with other versions and interpretations of reality.

And your species' development involves direct learning through your experience of nature.

Ultimately, you are responsible for what you create.

When people pay more attention to nature and care for the Earth rather than obsessing on war and financial portfolios, you will know the transition to greater awareness has truly taken hold.

Spend more of your time in nature; turn off the air-conditioning and open the windows, notice how the creatures keep the energy moving with their bustling activities. Immerse yourself in the sounds, sights, scents, and tastes that nature offers. Take long walks, sleep on the ground for a change, and gather with friends and loved ones to watch the stars.

Slow down and sit with the trees, spend leisurely afternoons in the meadows or by the sea, climb mountains to meet the rarefied energies, swim in the waters, and savor the sweet sensations of nature's intelligence.

Intend to keep yourself healthy, wealthy, and wise; be rested and rejuvenated, relaxed and personally responsible for your own well-being. The power to live well and prosper is yours for creating, so plant the seeds of heightened intelligence, creativity, courage, and gracious change in the garden of your mind.

And when you feel your ancestors stirring in your blood, when propensities and programs of old that need healing appear in your reality, in dreams or musings, remember why you are here.

Barbara Marciniak