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Accepting responsibility for your life is your first and most | ✨Straight from the Source✨ Success with Jenna Zwagil

Accepting responsibility for your life is your first and most essential act of empowerment; you cannot grow in awareness if you are full of conditions and reasons why you cannot attain whatever you desire.

Developing a stance of personal responsibility will open all the doors to healing old wounds and energies that have blocked the flow of human development. There are many ways of perceiving life; and how you interpret the world depends, of course, on what you choose to believe.

As new truths unravel, ask questions! Your task is to activate the higher mind, to liberate yourself from the tyranny of fear, and to value and understand your human sensitivities. Remember, when everyone is staring off in the same direction, be sure to turn around and glance over your shoulder to see what else is happening.

Using your abilities to create a new probable world is the name of the game! All realities are occurring — destruction or regeneration is a choice. You can have whatever you want; your thoughts, dreams, and intentions alter the structure of reality, so which program do you choose to create?

Barbara Marciniak