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The Ukrainian military has also now stated that they are not p | Strategic Culture Foundation

The Ukrainian military has also now stated that they are not planning an invasion of the breakaway Donbass region. Which in our bizarre 21st century doublespeak means “yes we are going to invade” but more on that later.

It would seem that the defining theme of the Ukrainian Crisis in 2022 up until the last few days should be “lots of action via inaction”. The Mainstream Media has really been making it seem like by February 16th Russia would either liberate or invade the Ukraine depending on how your political views interpret the situation. Even Russian media figures on nationwide television, which are generally willing to bend over backwards to make peace and concessions, seemed to be willing to sign off on finally just ending things the hard way. This stunning “about face” was a great cause for concern that only someone living in Russia would be able to understand. The narrative shifted from a perpetual begging for peace and cooperation from the good ole Global Hegemon to “fix bayonets” overnight. This is cause for concern and the fact that the Ukrainians seemed to have launched a proxy war means that the Ukrainian Crisis is getting very hot. We should take a look at the events that have happened thus far in 2022 to understand how this dangerous situation is developing.

Russia is getting frustrated.

Read more by Tim Kirby @timkirbyhardcore: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2022/02/22/ukrainian-crisis-1st-quarter-of-2022-from-inaction-to-the-verge-of-proxy-war/

#Ukraine #Donbas #Politics #Putin
