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Telegram audience research results in 2021 TG Stat conducted | t9gram — all about Telegram

Telegram audience research results in 2021

TG Stat conducted a study in which 70,000 people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries participated.

The numbers that turned out:
61% - men, 39% - women
A third of users are in the 25-34 age range.
21% from 18 to 24 years old and the same amount from 35 to 44 years old.
18% over 45 and 7% of the audience under the age of 17.

22% of Telegram users work in IT.
20% in production and trade.
4 to 7% are engaged in marketing, education, services, finance, healthcare, or work in the media.

More than half of the respondents have higher education.

What are all these people doing in Telegram?

Half of users are subscribed to less than 15 channels.
33% of subscriptions have more than 25 channels.
A third of the respondents regularly read up to 5 channels and another third - from 6 to 10.

The most read channels write about news, they have 82%. Industry news is regularly read by 43% of respondents.
Entertainment, as well as political channels, are read by 59% of the audience. Education has almost the same number of regular readers.

80% of respondents use Telegram for personal correspondence.
38% communicate at work and another 17% correspond with clients.
50% of respondents read channels, 17% run their own channels.
35% answered that I use bots.

Most used features:
calls (54%)
voice messages (48%)
archive (44%)
folders (39%)
video messaging (33%)
video calls (28%)
participation in group voice chats (26%), 20% of users listen to audio broadcasts.