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​Solar mobility A Netherlands-based startup, Squad Mobility, | Tech for Good

Solar mobility

A Netherlands-based startup, Squad Mobility, comes with a small solution to the first/last-mile transportation issue. 'Small' in this case is a literal meaning. The company's product is an affordable, low-speed car charged by a solar panel, which is even smaller than the famous Smart. With a footprint of just 2 square meters, three or even four Squad solar cars can fit in just a single parking slot. The vehicle can still seat two people and store a couple of grocery bags.

At all times, a roof which is a solar panel, powers a vehicle. The solar panel can generate 20 km per day. If this is not enough and the juice runs low, the owner can easily swap out the battery, giving Squad an additional 100 km range. That would be enough for so many applications in cities, towns, and even villages worldwide. Private owners may seek to do some elementary grocery shopping. Car-sharing services may get a vehicle with no need to burden an electrical grid or worry about charging logistics.

As Robert Hoevers, CEO of Squad Mobility, puts it, "cities love solar charging, as this is a sustainable energy source. Cities are looking for zero-emission mobility solutions with a small space footprint. We have achieved both. A per capita energy consumption lower than public transport and a space footprint comparable to a bicycle. And all this, while offering the flexibility of personal transport and the comfort of a car."

The price starts at 5750 euro, which is half as much as the cheapest A-segment car. Lease and subscription options at 100 euro per month will also be available.

The vehicle will initially be limited to 45 km/h (28 mph). A more powerful version that can reach 70 km/h (43 mph) will be launched later. And that is not the only improvement Squad Mobility has for its car-sharing clients. The vehicle will already be equipped with smart sensors and cameras monitoring everything from cabin cleanliness to how a car is parked. Fleet operators would be able to remotely control a vehicle that is improperly parked or blocking an exit. The company hopes that once self-driving technology would be more commonplace, they will add that to their product.

Squad Mobility may expect its product to sell like hotcakes. As it has a functionality that is very much in demand for unbelievably low prices.

Source: Cleantechnica
Squad Mobility website accepting pre-orders

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